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Frontend URL Routes Specification

Thomas Shipley edited this page Apr 1, 2016 · 3 revisions

Status: Draft

Description: Define all the routes in the application for accessing the frontend. Sorted by feature.

Exercise Workspace

Root Prefix: none

Accessibility Level: All users

Description: Routes for attempting to create solutions to exercises.

Root Name: Exercise Workspace

Root: /exercise/{exercise_id}/workspace

Description: Code editor and submission for specified exercise ID. Provides feedback on submissions in the form of test results.


Root Prefix: /admin/

Accessibility Level: Admin Users Only

Description: Management of coding exercises and the related tests and categories.


Root Name: Exercise Listings

Root: /admin/exercise

Description: List all the coding exercises in the system.

Root Name: Exercise Details

Root: /admin/exercise/{exercise_id}

Description: Get the details of a specific exercise - with submitted ID.

Root Name: Exercise Create

Root: /admin/exercise/create

Description: Create an exercise in the system. Should also support on the same page:

  • Creating and assigning to a exercise category.
  • Creating and assigning to a single exercise template.


Root Name: Test Listings

Root: /admin/exercise/{exercise_id}/test

Description: List tests associated with with exercise ID in route and provide option to create one.

Root Name: Test Details

Root: /admin/exercise/{exercise_id}/test/{test_id}

Description: Get the details of a specific test related to a exercise - with submitted ID.

Root Name: Test Create

Root: /admin/exercise/{exercise_id}/test/create

Description: Test creation page. Should support:

  • Creating a test
  • Create and assign multiple test inputs
  • Create and assign a single test output.
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