Hubitat SmartThings SmartApp for Luxor ZD/ZDC controllers
This SmartApp works with the following:
- Luxor ZD Controllers (Zoning/Dimming)
- On/Off/Polling every 5 minutes
- Luxor ZDC & ZDTWO Controllers (Zoning/Diming/Color)
- On/Off/Polling every 5 minutes
- Monochrome Light Groups
- On/Off
- Intensity/Brightness
- Color Light Groups
- On/Off
- Intensity/Brightness
- Color Selection
- Themes
- Momentary Push button on (no off; handled by light groups/controllers)
Find this package with Hubitat Package Manager.
- Select "Apps Code" and copy the code from luxor.groovy into the editor.
- Select "Drivers Code" and copy the code from each of the four device handlers into the editor (repeat 4 times)
- Add this Repo (tagyoureit/hubitat-smartthings) to your SmartThings GitHub Settings
- Select the SmartApp, select Publish, and import the file.
- Repeat the same for the Device Handlers.
- Create a new SmartApp and copy the code from luxor.groovy to a "from code" SmartThings Template.
- Create a new Device Handler and copy the code from each of the four device handlers to a "from code" SmartThings Device Handler template.
- Publish all five templates and install the Smart App.
- You only need to know your Luxor controller's IP address. You can find this on the controller itself under the Wifi/Wired settings page.
- Enter the IP Address on the setup page and click Next.
- Optionally, add a prefix for the naming convention. Useful if you have multiple controllers. Include any separators and spaces that you want. EG "Front: " will create a device "Front: Luxor ZDC Controller".
- The screen will refresh every 2 seconds, up to 2 minutes, looking for the controller.
- When the controller is found, select "Save" and wait up to 1 minute for all of the devices to be configured.
The SmartApp uses an API to connect to the Luxor Controller.
- Changes to ZDC Color Group (Hue/Saturation) will be saved back to the controller
- Name changes for SmartThings devices will not be saved back to the controller, but if you change the name in Luxor it will be kept in sync.
- HUBITAT ONLY: You can update the "color group" of the groups through your HA app. The color group on the Luxor server will be updated.`
- If you delete or add new lights/themes go through the app setup again or manually "refresh" the main controller (named 'Luxor {model} Controller').
- No automatic discovery can be enabled because SmartThings will only search for SSDP broadcasts and Luxor uses mDNS broadcasts.
- This code is fully compatible with BOTH SmartThings (classic App) and Hubitat. The SHPL is awesome and made that possible so thanks to Barry Burke
- Add all Light Groups/Themes as icons on parent controller device
- Customizeable polling period
User selected default "on" Level for turning on all light groups(Not possible)