Consider to create a venv.
In the main folder set a symlink to (or to .prod on production).
For production use create a .env file with a row like export PROD_URL="some.url"
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python loaddata initial_tables
python runserver --insecure
# ^
# Whilst this flag does work, it does not serve the content from the collectstatic folder
In another terminal:
nvm use 18.14.1
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
This "npm run build" is for production use, the resulted files will not follow local frontend changes.
Visit http://localhost:8001
Visit http://localhost:8001/2
Visit http://localhost:8001/3
Use the upper right gray "Reset" ("Alaphelyzetbe") button to sync localstorage to backend output. (Until you don't push this button, the unknown expressions appear at the end of every swipe loop.)
This project was made basically for Phone displayed Hungarian / Other language cards, but this can be changed. You can click on cards to show the other language, and swipe left (unknown) or right (known) to make a card disappear.