Feature → modifiers: Access control and access levels
Feature: Enforcement of exclusive access to memory
Feature → declarations: Variable (property) accessors
Feature → concurrency: Actor isolation
Feature → concurrency: `actor` declarations
Feature → types: The `Any` built-in type
Area → standard library: The `AnyKeyPath` type
Feature → types: The `AnyObject` built-in type
Feature: automatic reference counting
Feature: function argument labels
Architecture: arm64 (aarch64) — any 64-bit ARM
Architecture: the Debian port for ARM processors (armv7+) that have hardware floating point support
Feature → expressions → literals: Array literals
Area → standard library: The `Array` type
Bug → crash: An assertion failure
Feature → expressions: assignments
Feature → enums: enum cases with associated values (payload)
Feature → declarations → protocol: `associatedtype` declarations
Area → compiler: The libSwiftAST library
Area → compiler: The AST debug format printer
Area → compiler: The ASTGen module, which translates SwiftSyntax trees to the C++ AST
Area → compiler: The AST printer