feathers apollo integration
This is my first attempt at building an app with Apollo Server. This project uses Feathers to provide key features in a simple and easy to use way.
For an explanation of this repository, check out my blog post walking through the stack at docs/explanation-blog.markdown
Unique aspects of this approach for building Apollo Servers:
Feathers cli tool to generate boilerplate and new services
JWT based auth
Permissions via feathers hooks (user can only remove and modify own posts, etc.)
Consistent query syntax independent of database (I could change the database from Mongo to SQL with no change to the resolvers)
Automatic REST endpoint generation (it is nice to have REST as a fallback or for public facing APIs)
Express compliant (use any Express middleware without hacks)
Automatic Socket.io integration (way to use websockets for real-time features before Apollo's solution is completed)
Getting up and running is as easy as 1, 2, 3.