Solving the following code challenge:
You have a 100GB text file and a Linux box with 4GB of RAM and 4 cores.
Write a program/script that outputs a file listing the frequency of all words
in the file (e.g., a TSV file with two columns <word, frequency>). Note
that the set of words in the file may not fit in memory.
- Usage: python --textFile lines.txt --outputFile wordFrequency.txt
- Description: This solution uses the trie data structure and multiple python threads to accomplish the word count task. The steps are as follows:
- Split the input file into 4 equal chunks
- Spawn 4 python processes that each do the following:
- Read each file, line-by-line, and word-by-word
- For each word, insert the word into a Trie in memory
- After each line is read, determine if we have added too many nodes to the trie in memory
- If we have, write the trie out to disk using a special directory structure
- At the end of the file, write the trie out to disk one last time
- Wait for all processes to finish working on their own chunk
- Traverse the directory structure to find all word frequencies and output to file
- Assumptions
- Text file is broken into lines where each line is reasonably small and can be read into memory safely
- Disk drive has large amount of space
- External Libraries Used
- Multiprocessesing library from python
- Unix split tool to split file into chunks
- Description: This solution uses the trie data structure and multiple python threads to accomplish the word count task. The steps are as follows: