Inspired by Dear ImGui and GTA V menu system
- Place it to
folder - Add
ensure warmenu
to yourserver.cfg
- Add
client_script '@warmenu/warmenu.lua'
to yourfxmanifest.lua
- Backward compatibility
- GTA V-like look'n'feel
- Rich menu style customization
- Lots of built-in controls
- Demo menu
You can read its source code to understand how framework works
To run it, just add client_script @warmenu/warmenu_demo.lua
to any of your resources which are using WarMenu
--- add this to the top of your resources
local WarMenu = exports['warmenu']
--- * - optional parameters
WarMenu:CreateMenu(id, title, subTitle*, style*)
WarMenu:CreateSubMenu(id, parent, subTitle*, style*)
WarMenu:CurrentMenu() -- id
-- Controls
WarMenu:Button(text, subText*)
WarMenu:InputButton(text, windowTitleEntry*, defaultText*, maxLength*, subText*)
WarMenu:SpriteButton(text, dict, name, r*, g*, b*, a*)
WarMenu:MenuButton(text, id, subText*)
WarMenu:CheckBox(text, checked)
WarMenu:ComboBox(text, items, currentIndex)
WarMenu:ToolTip(text, width*, flipHorizontal*)
-- Use them in loop to draw
-- They return true if were selected OR you can use functions below for more granual control
-- See Usage section for more details
WarMenu:End() -- Processing key events and menu logic, use it in loop
-- Customizable options
--- Menu
WarMenu:SetMenuTitle(id, title)
WarMenu:SetMenuSubTitle(id, text) -- it will uppercase automatically
--- Style
--- Property name can be extracted from setter signature, i. e. 'SetMenuTitleColor' -> 'titleColor'
--- Example: local style = { titleColor = { 255, 255, 255 }, maxOptionCountOnScreen = 7, buttonPressedSound = { name = 'name', set = 'set' } }
WarMenu:SetMenuStyle(id, style)
WarMenu:SetMenuX(id, x) -- [0.0..1.0] top left corner
WarMenu:SetMenuY(id, y) -- [0.0..1.0] top
WarMenu:SetMenuWidth(id, width) -- [0.0..1.0]
WarMenu:SetMenuMaxOptionCountOnScreen(id, count) -- 10 by default
WarMenu:SetMenuTitleColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
WarMenu:SetMenuSubTitleColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
WarMenu:SetMenuTitleBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
-- or
WarMenu:SetMenuTitleBackgroundSprite(id, dict, name)
WarMenu:SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
WarMenu:SetMenuTextColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
WarMenu:SetMenuSubTextColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
WarMenu:SetMenuFocusColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
WarMenu:SetMenuFocusTextColor(id, r, g, b, a*)
WarMenu:SetMenuButtonPressedSound(id, name, set) --
- Changing all functions for exports
- Delete deprecated functions