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Releases: sumup-oss/circuit-ui

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

11 Dec 16:09
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Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

11 Dec 10:34
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Patch Changes

  • #2824 630667d Thanks @sirineJ! - Fixed the spacing of the Carousel component's buttons.

  • #2825 e036aff Thanks @connor-baer! - Removed the default attribute that was accidentally added to components with default translations.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

04 Dec 12:49
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Minor Changes

  • #2786 97f8145 Thanks @connor-baer! - Added default translations for labels that don't change with the usage of the component. Translations are included for all locales where SumUp operates, namely bg-BG, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-AT, de-CH, de-DE, de-LU, el-CY, el-GR, en-AU, en-GB, en-IE, en-MT, en-US, es-CL, es-CO, es-ES, es-MX, es-PE, es-US, et-EE, fi-FI, fr-BE, fr-CH, fr-FR, fr-LU, hr-HR, hu-HU, it-CH, it-IT, lt-LT, lv-LV, nb-NO, nl-BE, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, sk-SK, sl-SI, and sv-SE. The current locale is determined based on the locale prop or the navigator.language API in environments that support it. If no supported locale is found, en-US is used as a fallback.

    The following component props are now optional:

    • Button, IconButton: loadingLabel
    • Calendar: prevMonthButtonLabel, nextMonthButtonLabel
    • DateInput: yearInputLabel, monthInputLabel, dayInputLabel, openCalendarButtonLabel, closeCalendarButtonLabel, applyDateButtonLabel, clearDateButtonLabel
    • Toggletip: closeButtonLabel

    We'll add default translations to more components in the future.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

04 Dec 12:26
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Patch Changes

  • #2818 9a16c82 Thanks @connor-baer! - Increased the SidePanel component's root z-index value to ensure nested, absolutely-positioned components stack properly.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

03 Dec 09:44
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Minor Changes

  • #2794 604c012 Thanks @connor-baer! - Added support for typing and pasting 3-character hex code into the ColorInput component.

  • #2794 604c012 Thanks @connor-baer! - Improved parsing of the PhoneNumberInput component's value and defaultValue props.

Patch Changes

  • #2791 0bf387e Thanks @connor-baer! - Fixed passing a custom className to the outermost element of the Select component.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

20 Nov 14:49
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Minor Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

20 Nov 18:54
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Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

20 Nov 14:50
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Minor Changes

  • #2780 cbc3716 Thanks @sirineJ! - Added a SkipLink component to allow skipping repetitive content for screen reader and keyboard users.

  • #2237 6aafecd Thanks @connor-baer! - Added the global style resets to the relevant components directly. This makes the components more resilient against style conflicts when used alongside other UI libraries and global styles on a page.

  • #2780 cbc3716 Thanks @sirineJ! - Added a skip link in the TopNavigation and SideNavigation components to allow user to bypass navigation blocks.

Patch Changes

  • #2787 543fc89 Thanks @connor-baer! - Fixed a hydration error that could occur in the CurrencyInput, Calendar, and DateInput components when no explicit locale was provided.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

18 Nov 12:19
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Patch Changes

  • #2782 0a6ec4e Thanks @connor-baer! - Updated the legacy JavaScript theme to the latest typography token values to match the modern CSS custom variables.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

18 Nov 12:19
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Patch Changes

  • #2781 2b682c1 Thanks @connor-baer! - Improved the DateInput component's calendar dialog to be placed relative to the calendar button instead of the whole field. This improves the placement when the DateInput is rendered near the center of the viewport. The default bottom-end placement can be customized using the new placement prop.