This repo is an example of a simple working Rails 5, Webpack(er)3, React-Rails 2.3+ application.
Where generators are used, the git commit will be the command ran to get to the current application state so it will hopefully be easy to follow along at home.
This repo contains two trees, one Webpacker and one Sprockets.
Each branch illustrates a react-rails ability.
-> Webpacker 3sprockets
-> Sprockets 3rails-production-version
-> Sprockets 3 + serving production prebundled reactrails-assets-sprockets
-> Sprockets 3 + using (failed)generate-new-component
-> Webpacker 3 + new style componentwithout-ujs
-> Sprockets 3 + removing UJS and making component globally accessiblejsx-file-example
-> Webpacker 3 + file named .JSXcoffeescript-example
-> Webpacker 3 + Coffeescript WITH JSX