simple schema for new app using sinatra for my own projects
## requirement
the proyect use the below gems:
and optional gem are between comments on the code
## include as git submodule
font-awesome at folder /public/font-awesome
$ git submodule add public/font-awesome
bootstrap at folder /public/twbs
git submodule add public/twbs
when you need update all submodule try with:
$ git submodule foreach git pull origin
## Sinatra Classic style
this repo choose classic ergo don't use subclassing wrapper, if you want choose modular with subclassing Sinatra::Base or Sinatra::Application you will sorround with class and change check [here](
## features included
-schema for sitemap creation
-minification by [Google html compressor](
-customizable bootstrap 4 css inclusion, check
## future features to include or include at another branches
-cookies support
-test, rspec, cucumber, selenium, capibara
-markdown support at views
- CI with travis? rsync ...
## installation
### database creation
bundle install
cd db
sequel -m migrations/ sqlite://db.sqlite
### css bootstrap generation
sass main.scss main.css --style [nested|expanded|compact|compressed]
### updating font awesome
font awesome was add using submodules of git
cd public/
git submodule add
and you can update doing
cd public/Font-Awesome
git pull
## environment test | development | explotation
you can change your environment at:
## how to deploy
set Rakefile for automatic deploy
## customization of security
into the project there some "TODO" you must search and change for your project, like:
-cookies secret security
-your domain name for sitemap.xml
remove git remove references
git remote -v
git remote rm destination
git remote -v
## for database it use sequel
## setting configuration for automatic deploy with rake
check Rakefile and spice the file with