this gem is programmers friendly, or i will try. reduce configuration assuming that you like sequel the ruby database toolkit in the sinatra apps
The reason for the implementation of this gem is to honor J.M.R.N, from whom I could not learn all that he could teach me. Thanks you boss.
configure: if user can be authenticate whitout account has been activated configure: name of tables and fields into DB do named dinamically configure: policy max device authenticated allowed: - allow and delete some other token - doesnt allow because exit in another device - show list of devices to select which un authorized configure: if user without activation try authentication dont assume right behaviour - allow if configuration - disallow if configuration configure: if user can change her identifier, this enable identifier_history field into db
show how to run test with logs enable or with logs disable
to do connection_engine_sequel
migrating file engine.rb -> connection_engine_sequel.rb
at self.add_roles(remember_token, roles) allow or disallow current_user[:id]??
where fuck site the migration file for sequel ¿RakeFile? with a plain file for configuration where map the every attribute in every atttribute in database??? WTFB
question? if you try add role by signup or add_roles_by_identifier never see an error even you give a non existing role_name, because the user should can signup without problems, is a problem of programmer
how time block authentication after max fails authentication exceed??
explain this gem use at sinatra:
- classic style
- modular style
clean migration to add or remove
to do, add support for multiples tokens authentication and numbers of tokens allowed
to do flexible authenticable migration, you can add authentication:
- to User model authentication
- to documents files need has_role? to see or to be a Authenticable
to do connection_engine_yml with multithread support
in neither place constraint to Authenticable.identifier to be a email... think about maybe by configuration this can be done
how fuck i test if i havent a database...
o fixtures
o rakefile namespace :db do namespace :test do task :prepare => :environment do Rake::Task["db:seed"].invoke end end end
meditate shall we do...
omni auth
can change the identifier of auth? only if the new don't exist already
explain how to expand to another connections engines. only supported:
yml (quick and dirty that we loved)
sequel (the proffesional ruby database that we loved with multiples databases connections)
now only one device have token_authenticacion if you login with another disconnect the another. Maybe expand to multiples tokens because one user have multiples devices...
abstraction forget password not supported, is external to this library
enable recovery by three answers ?
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'sinatra-auth-engine'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install sinatra-auth-engine
TODO: Write usage instructions here