Repository for deploy GitOps examples
Openshift 4.7+ Cluster
NOTE: each demo it's in a specific branch for avoiding overlappings, so execute git checkout "branch" to the specific branch in order to execute the commands.
Demo 1 - Securing your Microservices with Network Policies using GitOps
Demo 2 - Securing your Egress Traffic within your workloads with Egress Firewall using GitOps
Demo 3 - Securing your Egress Traffic within your apps with Egress IPs using GitOps
Demo 4 - Network Graph Visualization and Securization with Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes
Demo 5 - Securing Ingress Traffic with Ingress Controllers and NodeSelectors using GitOps
Demo 8 - Generate and Manage ApplicationSets of ArgoCD/OpenShift-GitOps in ACM
Demo 10 - Secure GitOps supply chain with GnuPG signature verification in ArgoCD