A shell script for installing useful software and initializing relative settings automatically on Ubuntu
Just execute the command below
sudo sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ssmbct-netops/"`
`"ubuntu-init/master/init_linux.sh -O -)"
some software are worthless for server
sudo sh -c "export HHM_UBUNTU_INIT_SERVER='1';"`
`"$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ssmbct-netops/ubuntu-init/"`
`"master/init_linux.sh -O -)"
- change the time zone
- Update the Ubuntu sources.list:Change the source to the fastest one
- remove useless software
- aisleriot brasero cheese deja-dup empathy gnome-mahjongg
- gnome-mines gnome-orca gnome-sudoku landscape-client-ui-install
- libreoffice-common onboard rhythmbox simple-scan thunderbird totem
- transmission-common unity-webapps-common webbrowser-app
- apt-file
- /etc/sharerc:Useful alias settings
- update_pip_all shellscript
- Source Code Pro
- Common software (both on clients and servers)
- ack-grep autojump
- cmatrix:Just for fun
- ctags curl wget dos2unix exuberant-ctags git htop java net-tools
- numlock:Numlock on automatically when login
- ntpdate openssh-server screenfetch speedtest subversion unzip vim zsh
- Only on clients
- caffeine:Anti-lock screen when watching flash video
- chrome
- codeblocks
- dfc
- dia:Linux visio
- filezilla
- gparted
- haroopad:Markdown editor
- lantern
- meld:Comparison
- okular:pdf reader
- pandoc:Convert docs
- shutter:Screenshot
- sogou
- speedcrunch
- ss:For surfing internet
- sublime text 3
- teamviewer
- terminator
- terminator config
- variety:wallpapers
- vlc:video player
- wiz:A splendid note software
- wps
- python
- python2, python3, pip and useful libraries
- python command line auto completion
- powerline for
- ipython
- tmux
- fonts
- ~/.config/powerline
- Oh my zsh
- powerline fonts
- change theme
- some necessarily additional settings
- powerline
- modify sshd_config
- config ~/.vimrc