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* test for invite accept form rendering
* show placeholder if there is no suggested alias
* accept form and consume endpoint
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cryptix committed Mar 10, 2021
1 parent 6945221 commit b21e2b2
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Showing 3 changed files with 272 additions and 11 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions web/handlers/http_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package handlers

import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,6 +221,9 @@ func TestFallbackAuth(t *testing.T) {

// utils

// TODO: we probably want to move all of these to web/testing or somesuch

type localizedElement struct {
Selector, Label string
Expand All @@ -239,3 +243,39 @@ func assertCSRFTokenPresent(t *testing.T, sel *goquery.Selection) {
a.True(ok, "csrf input has a type")
a.Equal("hidden", tipe, "wrong type on csrf field")

type inputElement struct {
Name, Value, Type, Placeholder string

// assertInputsInForm checks a list of defined elements. It tries to find them by input[name=$name]
// and then proceeds with asserting their value, type or placeholder (if the fields in inputElement are not "")
func assertInputsInForm(t *testing.T, form *goquery.Selection, elems []inputElement) {
a := assert.New(t)
for _, e := range elems {

inputSelector := form.Find(fmt.Sprintf("input[name=%s]", e.Name))
ok := a.Equal(1, inputSelector.Length(), "expected to find input with name %s", e.Name)
if !ok {

if e.Value != "" {
value, has := inputSelector.Attr("value")
a.True(has, "expected value attribute input[name=%s]", e.Name)
a.Equal(e.Value, value, "wrong value attribute on input[name=%s]", e.Name)

if e.Type != "" {
tipe, has := inputSelector.Attr("type")
a.True(has, "expected type attribute input[name=%s]", e.Name)
a.Equal(e.Type, tipe, "wrong type attribute on input[name=%s]", e.Name)

if e.Placeholder != "" {
tipe, has := inputSelector.Attr("placeholder")
a.True(has, "expected placeholder attribute input[name=%s]", e.Name)
a.Equal(e.Placeholder, tipe, "wrong placeholder attribute on input[name=%s]", e.Name)
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions web/handlers/invites_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,223 @@
package handlers

import (


refs ""

weberrors ""

func TestInviteShowAcceptForm(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)

urlTo := web.NewURLTo(ts.Router)

t.Run("token doesnt exist", func(t *testing.T) {
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)

testToken := "nonexistant-test-token"
acceptURL404 := urlTo(router.CompleteInviteAccept, "token", testToken)

// prep the mocked db for http:404
ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenReturns(admindb.Invite{}, admindb.ErrNotFound)

// request the form
acceptForm := acceptURL404.String()
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(acceptForm)
// 500 until is fixed
a.Equal(http.StatusInternalServerError, resp.Code)

// check database calls
r.EqualValues(1, ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenCallCount())
_, tokenFromArg := ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenArgsForCall(0)
a.Equal(testToken, tokenFromArg)

// fix #66
// assertLocalized(t, doc, []localizedElement{
// {"#welcome", "AuthFallbackWelcome"},
// {"title", "AuthFallbackTitle"},
// })
gotErr := doc.Find("#errBody").Text()
wantErr := weberrors.ErrNotFound{What: "invite"}
a.EqualError(wantErr, gotErr)

wantNewMemberPlaceholder := "@ .ed25519"

t.Run("token DOES exist", func(t *testing.T) {
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)

testToken := "existing-test-token"
validAcceptURL := urlTo(router.CompleteInviteAccept, "token", testToken)

// prep the mocked db for http:200
fakeExistingInvite := admindb.Invite{
ID: 1234,
AliasSuggestion: "bestie",
ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenReturns(fakeExistingInvite, nil)

// request the form
validAcceptForm := validAcceptURL.String()
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(validAcceptForm)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code)

// check database calls
r.EqualValues(2, ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenCallCount())
_, tokenFromArg := ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenArgsForCall(1)
a.Equal(testToken, tokenFromArg)

assertLocalized(t, doc, []localizedElement{
{"#welcome", "InviteAcceptWelcome"},
{"title", "InviteAcceptTitle"},

form := doc.Find("form#consume")
r.Equal(1, form.Length())

assertCSRFTokenPresent(t, form)

assertInputsInForm(t, form, []inputElement{
{Name: "token", Type: "hidden", Value: testToken},
{Name: "alias", Type: "text", Value: fakeExistingInvite.AliasSuggestion},
{Name: "new_member", Type: "text", Placeholder: wantNewMemberPlaceholder},

t.Run("token DOES exist but has no suggested alias", func(t *testing.T) {
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)

testToken := "existing-test-token-2"
validAcceptURL := urlTo(router.CompleteInviteAccept, "token", testToken)

inviteWithNoAlias := admindb.Invite{ID: 4321}
ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenReturns(inviteWithNoAlias, nil)

// request the form
validAcceptForm := validAcceptURL.String()
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(validAcceptForm)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code)

// check database calls
r.EqualValues(3, ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenCallCount())
_, tokenFromArg := ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenArgsForCall(2)
a.Equal(testToken, tokenFromArg)

assertLocalized(t, doc, []localizedElement{
{"#welcome", "InviteAcceptWelcome"},
{"title", "InviteAcceptTitle"},

form := doc.Find("form#consume")
r.Equal(1, form.Length())

assertCSRFTokenPresent(t, form)

assertInputsInForm(t, form, []inputElement{
{Name: "token", Type: "hidden", Value: testToken},
{Name: "alias", Type: "text", Placeholder: "[email protected]"},
{Name: "new_member", Type: "text", Placeholder: wantNewMemberPlaceholder},

func TestInviteConsumeInvite(t *testing.T) {
ts := setup(t)
a, r := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
urlTo := web.NewURLTo(ts.Router)

testToken := "existing-test-token-2"
validAcceptURL := urlTo(router.CompleteInviteAccept, "token", testToken)
validAcceptURL.Host = "localhost"
validAcceptURL.Scheme = "https"

inviteWithNoAlias := admindb.Invite{ID: 4321}
ts.InvitesDB.GetByTokenReturns(inviteWithNoAlias, nil)

// request the form (for a valid csrf token)
validAcceptForm := validAcceptURL.String()
doc, resp := ts.Client.GetHTML(validAcceptForm)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code)

// we need a functional jar to unpack the Set-Cookie response for the csrf token
jar, err := cookiejar.New(nil)

// update the jar
csrfCookie := resp.Result().Cookies()
a.Len(csrfCookie, 1, "should have one cookie for CSRF protection validation")
jar.SetCookies(validAcceptURL, csrfCookie)

// get the corresponding token from the page
csrfTokenElem := doc.Find("input[name='gorilla.csrf.Token']")
a.Equal(1, csrfTokenElem.Length())
csrfName, has := csrfTokenElem.Attr("name")
a.True(has, "should have a name attribute")
csrfValue, has := csrfTokenElem.Attr("value")
a.True(has, "should have value attribute")

// create the consume request
testNewMember := refs.FeedRef{
ID: bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 32),
Algo: refs.RefAlgoFeedSSB1,
consumeVals := url.Values{
"token": []string{testToken},
"new_member": []string{testNewMember.Ref()},

csrfName: []string{csrfValue},

// construct the consume endpoint url
consumeInviteURL, err := ts.Router.Get(router.CompleteInviteConsume).URL()
consumeInviteURL.Host = "localhost"
consumeInviteURL.Scheme = "https"

// construct the header with Referer and Cookie
var csrfCookieHeader = http.Header(map[string][]string{})
csrfCookieHeader.Set("Referer", "https://localhost")
cs := jar.Cookies(consumeInviteURL)
r.Len(cs, 1, "expecting one cookie for csrf")
theCookie := cs[0].String()
a.NotEqual("", theCookie, "should have a new cookie")
csrfCookieHeader.Set("Cookie", theCookie)

// prepare the mock
ts.InvitesDB.ConsumeReturns(inviteWithNoAlias, nil)

// send the POST
resp = ts.Client.PostForm(consumeInviteURL.String(), consumeVals)
a.Equal(http.StatusOK, resp.Code, "wrong HTTP status code for sign in")

// check how consume was called
r.EqualValues(1, ts.InvitesDB.ConsumeCallCount())
_, tokenFromArg, newMemberRef := ts.InvitesDB.ConsumeArgsForCall(0)
a.Equal(testToken, tokenFromArg)

consumedDoc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(resp.Body)
21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions web/templates/invite/accept.tmpl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,7 @@
>{{ i18n "InviteAcceptWelcome" }}</span>

<form id="confirm" action="{{urlTo "complete:invite:consume"}}" method="POST">
<form id="consume" action="{{urlTo "complete:invite:consume"}}" method="POST">
{{ .csrfField }}
<input type="hidden" name="token" value={{.Token}}>
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
Expand All @@ -26,13 +22,16 @@
<span class="ml-2 text-red-400">TODO: make this a dropdown</span>

{{ if ne .Invite.AliasSuggestion "" }}
<p>{{ i18n "InviteAcceptAliasSuggestion" }}</p>
<p>{{ i18n "InviteAcceptAliasSuggestion" }}</p>
{{ if ne .Invite.AliasSuggestion "" }}
value="{{ .Invite.AliasSuggestion }}"
{{ end }}
placeholder="[email protected]"
{{ end }}

Expand Down

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