Add H5P contents in repository objects
This is an OpenSource project by sr solutions ag, CH-Burgdorf (
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0-only license
- ILIAS 8.0 - 8.999
- PHP >=8.0
Start at your ILIAS root directory
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Cron/CronHook
cd Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Cron/CronHook
git clone H5PCron
Update, activate and config the plugin in the ILIAS Plugin Administration
First you need to install the H5P plugin
With this plugin you can automatic delete old H5P contents data, that is no longer required, created in repository object or page component editor
You can also automatic refresh the hub list
The plugin consists of the following cron jobs:
- Delete old event logs
- Delete old temp files
- Refresh hub list
You can report bugs or suggestions at
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