IMPORTANT: This service is currently under development, and is actively being used for deleting images and snapshots of ebs volumes.
Swabbie automates the cleanup of unused resources such as EBS Volumes and Images. As a Janitor Monkey replacement, it can also be extended to clean up a variety of resource types. Swabbie applies a set of rules to mark cleanup candidates. Once marked, a resource is scheduled for deletion, and an owner is notified.
- name: aws
- us-east-1
- us-west-2
- test
- prod
maxItemsProcessedPerCycle: 100
itemsProcessedBatchSize: 25
- type: Tag
- key: expiration_time
- never
- pattern:^\d+(d|m|y)$
- name: image
enabled: true
dryRun: false
retention: 2
maxAge: 30
- type: Literal
- key: description
- pattern:name=base
enabled: true
required: true
defaultDestination: swabbie-email-notifications@
optOutBaseUrl: apiUrl
resourceUrl: helpfulUrl
- name: loadBalancer
enabled: true
dryRun: true
retention: 10 #days
maxAge: 10 #days
entityTaggingEnabled: true
enabled: true
- email
- slack
itemsPerMessage: 5
defaultDestination: [email protected]
optOutBaseUrl: http://localhost:8088/
resourceUrl: https://spinnaker/infrastructure?q=
- type: Allowlist
- key: swabbieResourceOwner
- [email protected]
Swabbie uses a queue to keep track of work to be processed by resource handlers. Work items on the queue are derived from the application configuration and are initialized at start time.
Handler's lifecycle: Mark -> Notify -> Delete
Responsibilities include:
- Retrieving upstream resources.
- Marking resources violating rules.
- Deleting a resource.
A WorkItem
is single unit of work that is scoped to a configuration that defines its granularity.
A WorkItem
also defines the action to invoke by a handler.
data class WorkConfiguration(
val namespace: String, // ${}
val account: Account,
val location: String, // A region in aws, depends on what cloudProvider
val cloudProvider: String,
val resourceType: String,
val retention: Int, // How many days swabbie will wait until deletion
val exclusions: List<Exclusion>,
val dryRun: Boolean = true,
val entityTaggingEnabled: Boolean = false, //Controls
val notificationConfiguration: NotificationConfiguration? = EmptyNotificationConfiguration(),
val maxAge: Int = 14 // resources newer than the maxAge in days will be excluded
Work configuration is derived from the YAML configuration.
A Queue processor routinely checks the queue for work items to process. A redis lock manager is used for coordination to ensure that only one work item is processed at a time by a worker.
enabled: true
maximumLockDurationMillis: 360000
heartbeatRateMillis: 5000
leaseDurationMillis: 30000
Scheduling the cleanup of resources is done by keeping an index of visited resources in a ZSET
, using the projected deletion time as the score
Getting elements from the ZSET
from -inf
to now
will return all resources ready to be deleted.
Getting elements from the ZSET
from 0.0
to +inf
will return all currently marked resources.
When resources are marked for deletion, a notification is sent to the owner. Resource owners are resolved using resolution strategies. Default strategy is getting the email field on the resource's application. The deletion of a resource will be adjusted when the notification is sent, respecting the retention days for the resource type.
This will ensure swabbie runs in dryRun, meaning no writes, nor any destructive action of the data will occur
dryRun: true
It's also possible to turn on dryRun at a resource type level
Resources can be excluded/opted out from consideration using exclusion policies.
: Excludes resources at runtime
Allowlisting is part of the exclusion mechanism. When defined, only resources allowlisted will be considered, skipping everything else not allowed.