This repository contains work I've done using various Raspberry Pi 2040 devices from Pimoroni.
As a self-confessed data junkie who owns a weather station. I discovered their gadgets and saw a challenge: how does one display data on these devices?
So I got to it. My weather station is an Aercus Instruments Weathermaster (compatible with Ecowitt). So I can call the Ecowitt API and get the readings from my weather station.
You can choose to use the Ecowitt API, or a custom server/API that returns the Ecowitt JSON structure; or change the code to process the API data that suits your needs.
As code expects JSON data in Ecowitt format, if you own a device that sends data to Ecowitt, you can setup an Application and API key and get your data that way.
There are two code samples:
- wireless-plasma: Inspried by the weather application, this project allows you to show the temperature, wind and rain on a wireless plasma device such as Skully
- galacticUnicorn: This is a "retro" rotary clock that displays temperature, wind and rain: the 53 x 11 model. (Documentation coming soon)
There is also a guide for Pimoroni Enviro Urban users to convert the output of the voltage of the microphone (the "noise" parameter) to decibels.
Head over to the Documentation to find out more.