Very basic CAS Authentication for CakePHP 3.
Install into your project using composer. For existing applications you can add the following to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"snelg/cakephp-3-cas": "~1.0"
And run php composer.phar update
Load the Cake AuthComponent, including CasAuth.Cas as an authenticator. For example:
$this->Auth->config('authenticate', [
'CasAuth.Cas' => [
'hostname' => '',
'uri' => 'authpath']]);
Or combine the load and configuration into one step:
$this->loadComponent('Auth', [
'authenticate' => [
'CasAuth.Cas' => [
'hostname' => '',
'uri' => 'authpath']]]);
CAS parameters can be specified during Auth->config as above, or by writing to the "CAS" key in Configure::write, e.g.
Configure::write('CAS.hostname', '');
Configure::write('CAS.port', 8443);
- hostname is required
- port defaults to 443
- uri defaults to '' (an empty string)
- debug (optional) if true, then phpCAS will write debug info to logs/phpCAS.log
- cert_path (optional) if set, then phpCAS will use the specified CA certificate file to verify the CAS server
- curlopts (optional) key/value paired array of additional CURL parameters to pass through to phpCAS::setExtraCurlOption, e.g.
'curlopts' => [CURLOPT_PROXY => 'http://proxy:5543', CURLOPT_CRLF => true]