Tornado is an HTML templating language for the server and the browser. In the browser, Tornado renders DOM immediately and dynamic values asynchronously as the data becomes available.
The easiest way to try Tornado is with the sandbox. More complete documentation is coming soon.
To install the Node.js package:
$ npm install tornado.js
var tornado = require('tornado.js');
var fs = require('fs');
var templateString = '<h1>Hello, {name}</h1>';
var templateName = 'hello';
var compiledTemplate = tornado.compile(templateString, templateName);
fs.writeFileSync('hello.js', compiledTemplate);
Use tornado --help
for more information on CLI options
$ tornado > hello.js
Now your templates are compiled and you are ready to use them on your page. You need both the Tornado runtime and the compiled templates on the page, and the Tornado runtime must be included first. The runtime can be downloaded from the latest release.
var container = document.getElementById('content-container');
var template = td.getTemplate('hello');
container.appendChild(template.render({ name: 'World' }));
If you are reading this section, you are awesome! Thanks for your interest in contributing. For more information on contributing, please review the Tornado Constitution. A more comprehensive contributors' guide will be ready soon. In the meantime, following the steps below will get you up and running.
To build the project, run (this needs to be run after each change is made to code in the src/
$ grunt
You can use the Sandbox to try out your changes and see output, compiled template, and the AST. To prepare the Sandbox, run:
$ grunt sandbox
Then open /test/sandbox/index.html in your browser.
Acceptance tests are found in test/acceptance/. If you make changes to the tests, run:
$ grunt acceptance
To see the results of the tests, open tests/testRunner.html in your browser.