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It seems that vite-plugin-html is no longer being updated. I encountered some problems while using it, but the issues and pull requests haven't been addressed for a long time. Therefore, based on the source code and its functionality, I rewrote this plugin.


  • HTML compression
  • EJS template
  • Multi-page application support
  • Supports custom entry
  • Supports custom template


node version: >=14.18.0

vite version: >=4.0.0

npm i vite-plugin-htmlx -D


  • Add EJS tags in index.html, for example:
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title><%- title %></title>
  <%- injectScript %>
  • Configure in vite.config.ts. This way, you can import the required functionality on demand.
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import html from 'vite-plugin-htmlx'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      minify: true,
      page: {
         * Once you write the entry here, you will not need to add a script tag inside `index.html`,
         * and the original tag needs to be deleted.
        entry: 'src/main.ts',
         * If you want to store the `index.html` file in a specified folder,
         * you can modify it, otherwise no configuration is needed
         * @default index.html
        template: 'public/index.html',
         * Data to inject into the EJS template
        inject: {
          data: {
            title: 'index',
            injectScript: `<script src="./inject.js"></script>`,
          tags: [
              injectTo: 'body-prepend',
              tag: 'div',
              attrs: {
                id: 'tag',
  • Multi-page application configuration
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import html from 'vite-plugin-htmlx'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      minify: true,
      page: [
          entry: 'src/main.ts',
          filename: 'index.html',
          template: 'public/index.html',
          inject: {
            data: {
              title: 'index',
              injectScript: `<script src="./inject.js"></script>`,
            tags: [
                injectTo: 'body-prepend',
                tag: 'div',
                attrs: {
                  id: 'tag1',
          entry: 'src/other-main.ts',
          filename: 'other.html',
          template: 'public/other.html',
          inject: {
            data: {
              title: 'other page',
              injectScript: `<script src="./inject.js"></script>`,
            tags: [
                injectTo: 'body-prepend',
                tag: 'div',
                attrs: {
                  id: 'tag2',
  • Configuration of multi-page application with the same template but different entry points
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import html from 'vite-plugin-htmlx'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      minify: true,
      page: [
          entry: 'src/main.ts',
          filename: 'index.html',
          template: 'public/index.html',
          entry: 'src/other.ts', // Different entry file
          filename: 'other.html', // Different filename
          template: 'public/index.html', // Same template

In development mode, you can access MPA pages through ${origin}/filename, such as:

Pages with a filename of index or index.html are the default page, and navigating to a URL that does not match any page will navigate to this page.


  • Unit Tests

Parameter Description

html(options: UserOptions)


Parameter Type Default Value Description
minify boolean | MinifyOptions true Whether to compress html
page SpaPage | MpaPage[] - Page configuration


Parameter Type Default Value Description
filename string - HTML file name
template string - Template path
entry string - Entry file
inject InjectOptions - Data injected into HTML


Parameter Type Default Value Description
template string index.html Template path
entry string - Entry file
inject InjectOptions - Data injected into HTML


Parameter Type Default Value Description
data Record<string, any> - Data injected into HTML
ejsOptions EJSOptions - Ejs configuration options EJSOptions
tags HtmlTagDescriptor - List of tags to be injected

data can be accessed in the html with ejs template syntax.

env injection

By default, the content of the .env file is injected into index.html.


Default minification configuration.

  collapseWhitespace: true,
  keepClosingSlash: true,
  removeComments: true,
  removeRedundantAttributes: true,
  removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
  removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
  useShortDoctype: true,
  minifyCSS: true,
