- RESTful APIs: The Basics
- The nCoV 2019 Coronavirus API: Setup instructions, API Keys and Access Tokens
- REST Client for VS Code: Initial setup & sending requests
- REST Client: Using Environment Variables and excluding sensitive data with .gitignore
- REST Client: Adding the remaining requests
- App Architecture Overview
- Installing the http package
- Saving the API key + GitHub source code + the Error Lens extension
- The API class
- The APIService class: requesting an access token
- Parsing the http response and retrieving the access token
- Using the API Service to show the access token
- Adding the remaining endpoints to the API class
- Requesting and parsing data from the remaining endpoints
- Using the APIService class to show endpoint data
- Recap on the APIService class
- The Data Repository
- Loading and refreshing the access token when needed
- Adding a Provider for the DataRepository
- Creating a basic dashboard UI
- Creating a custom card widget to show endpoint data
- Loading the initial endpoint data from the API
- Adding a refresh indicator
- Loading data from multiple endpoints with Future.wait
- The EndpointsData class
- Improving the DataRepository class with generics and function arguments
- Showing all the cards
- Adding the icon assets to the project
- Update the cards layout, image and color
- Showing when the data was last updated: client vs server approach
- Parsing date information from the API response data
- Creating a new data model to hold the date and value from the API
- Showing the last updated date in the UI
- Formatting dates with the intl package
- Add thousands' separators with the NumberFormat class
- Error handling overview, and understanding the call stack
- Showing an alert dialog to the user
- Completing the error handling code
- Introduction to data persistence with Shared Preferences
- Writing a DataCacheService
- Integrating the DataCacheService in the DataRepository
- Injecting the DataCacheService in main.dart
- Hot fix: The getter 'date' was called on null
- Conclusion & next steps