This a simple mqtt-cli application written in Go. It has pub sub command which is suite for the shell script pipelining.
If you have golang ready environment, you can easily install it
go get
Or you can install using following command
curl -s -L | bash
You can set host, port, clientId, topic and qos on the Environment variables.
export MQTT_HOST="localhost"
export MQTT_PORT="1883"
export MQTT_CLIENT_ID="mqtt-cli"
export MQTT_TOPIC="/test/mqtt/cli"
export MQTT_QOS="1"
Or you can use flags to do it.
Name | Short Hand | Description |
address | a | Set MQTT host address |
port | p | Set MQTT host port |
clientId | i | Set MQTT client ID |
topic | t | Set MQTT topic |
qos | q | Set MQTT service quality |
message | m | Set MQTT message palyload |
mqtt-cli sub -a "localhost" -p 1883 -t "/tmp/a"
mqtt-cli pub -a "localhost" -p 1883 -t "/tmp/a" -m "thsi is to test"