Establish a new competition to the Cibus and 10Bis duopoly
While designing this, there were many areas I would have liked to improve upon, and may still in the future for my own enrichment. Some of those areas include:
- Individual reviews of different restaurants and menu items, as opposed to just offering a rating
- many improvements could be added to the API to accomodate more scenarios, such as, adding/updating/deleting individual prices from a menu item
- many more enhancements, including the building of the UI
Simply navigate to the main folder of foodclub and run the following command:
- docker network create foodNet
- docker-compose -f foodclub.yml up
Please keep track of the following IDs to make building the queries more simple:
- Restaurant ID
- Customer ID
- Menu Item IDs
- Order ID
POST: http://localhost:3000/restaurants
"name": "pizza penne",
"phone": "cucumber",
"address": "down the drain",
"description": "The best pizza in town!"
Copy response _id to be used with populating hours and menus.
This _id will be referred to as restaurant_id going forward
POST: http://localhost:4000/hours/{restaurant_id}
"sunday_open": "09:00",
"sunday_close": "23:30",
"monday_open": "09:00",
"monday_close": "23:30",
"tuesday_open": "09:00",
"tuesday_close": "23:30",
"wednesday_open": "09:00",
"wednesday_close": "23:30",
"thursday_open": "09:00",
"thursday_close": "23:30",
"friday_open": "09:00",
"friday_close": "23:30",
"saturday_open": "09:00",
"saturday_close": "23:30",
"notes": "Closed all holidays"
POST: http://localhost:5000/menus/{restaurant_id}
"menu_items": [{
"category": "pizza",
"name": "pizza parmegano",
"description": "a delicious-a pizza",
"prices": [{
"price": 21.00,
"size": "largo"
"price": 17.00,
"size": "mediumoso"
"price": 12.00,
"size": "teeny tiny"
"notes": "abasolutely delicious!"
"category": "calzone",
"name": "mushroom calzone",
"description": "a delicious-a calzone",
"prices": [{
"price": 22.00,
"size": "largo"
"price": 18.00,
"size": "mediumoso"
"price": 14.00,
"size": "teeny tiny"
"notes": "abasolutely delicious!!"
"notes": "All food items freshly prepared"
POST: http://localhost:7000
"first": "Spencer",
"last": "Jones",
"employee_id": "123ABC",
"company_name": "AwesomeCo",
"phone": "123456789",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "123 Where The Action Is Lane"
Copy response _id to be used with populating orders.
This _id will be referred to as customer_id going forward
POST: http://localhost:8080/orders/{restaurant_id}/customer/{customer_id}
"order_items": [
"menu_item_id": {menu_item_id},
"quantity": 2,
"notes": "Extra cheese please"
"menu_item_id": {menu_item_id},
"quantity": 1
"notes": "Please deliver with utensils",