Dumps color camera stream and joints data from the first kinect skeleton found.
Skeleton data is outputed to <PREFIX>_body.csv
in commas separated values in the following format:
Timestamp, JointID, Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z, Orientation.X, Orientation.Y, Orientation.Z, Orientation.W, State
if joint is not tracked1
if joint is inferred2
if joint is tracked
See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.kinect.jointtype.aspx for a description of JointID.
Video stream is outputed to <PREFIX>_color.yuy2
in raw uncompressed YUYV422 (a.k.a. YUY2) format at a 1080p resolution. Beware that the video file grows very fast.
You will need .Net framework 4.5 (available here : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653)
Usage: DumpKinectSkeleton [--help] [-v|--video] [-s|--synchronize] [--prefix PREFIX]
-v, --video Dump color video stream data as a yuy2 raw format.
-s, --synchronize Synchronize streams.
--prefix=PREFIX (Default: output) Output files prefix.
--help Display this help screen.
Press Q
, X
or Control+C
to quit application.