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Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 edited this page Sep 22, 2021 · 1 revision


MacPaint is a graphic design software piece for the first version of Mac OS (System 1) up to Mac OS 7 it was created in response to the Macintosh 128K being a brand new operating system with a Graphical User Interface that had no apps to go with it, as the original Macintosh didn't come with a programming language or any other apps.

It was originally sold for USD $195. The latest version (2.0) was released in 1987

MacWrite and MacPaint were the first 2 killer applications for Classic Mac OS. The project was spun off to the company Claris and as the Mac got new software, and other competitors were coming along, MacWrite had very few updates, and with the exceeding popularity of various other graphic design software tools, the project was discontinued in 1998 due to worsening sales.

Mac Paint 2.0 under System 7 displaying an image.

MacPaint is written in the Pascal programming language, along with the Assembly language. As like most Apple software at the time, MacPaint was proprietary software.

Version history

1.0 January 24, 1984 Initial release with System Software 1.0

1.3 May 1984 Released with System Software 1.1

1.4 September 1984 Released with Macintosh 512K

1.5 April 1985 Released with System Software 2.0

2.0 January 1988 Last release

WacOS equivalent

The equivalent to MacPaint for WacOS will be called WacPaint as of 2021 September 21st, it is still coming soon.

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Wikipedia - MacPaint

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Article info

Written on: 2021 Tuesday September 21st at 7:55 pm

Last revised on: 2021 Tuesday September 21st at 7:55 pm

File format Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)

Article version: 1 (2021 Tuesday September 21st at 7:55 pm)

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