#DEPRECATED - Moved into Angular-Point
Service used to create caches for specified lookup fields to eliminate the need to iterate over the entire list to find related items.
let lookupFieldsToCache = ['project'];
class ProjectTask{
constructor(obj) {
_.assign(this, obj);
//Only cache list items saved to server so verify an id is available
if(this.id) {
// Store in cached object so we can reference from lookup reference
apLookupCacheService.cacheEntityByLookupId(this, lookupFieldsToCache);
//...other methods on constructor class
export class ProjectTasksModel extends ap.Model {
constructor($injector: ng.auto.IInjectorService) {
factory: ProjectTask,
getChildren: getChildren,
list: {
// Maps to the offline XML file in dev folder (no spaces)
title: 'ProjectTask',
/// List GUID can be found in list properties in SharePoint designer
environments: {
production: '{C72C44A2-DC40-4308-BEFF-3FF418D14022}',
test: '{DAD8689C-8B9E-4088-BEC5-9F273CAAE104}'
customFields: [
// Array of objects mapping each SharePoint field to a property on a list item object
{staticName: 'Title', objectType: 'Text', mappedName: 'title', cols: 3, readOnly: false},
{staticName: 'Project', objectType: 'Lookup', mappedName: 'project', readOnly: false}
//Expose service to ProjectTask class and we know it's already loaded because it's loaded before
//project files
apLookupCacheService = $injector.get('apLookupCacheService');
//Patch save and delete on class prototype to allow us to cleanup cache before each event
apLookupCacheService.manageChangeEvents(Muster, lookupFieldsToCache);
getProjectTasks(projectId: number, asObject: boolean) {
return lookupCacheService.retrieveLookupCacheById('project', this.list.getListId(), projectId, asObject);
//...other methods on model
/** On the project model **/
class Project{
constructor(obj) {
_.assign(this, obj);
/** Project tasks are now directly available from a given project */
getProjectTasks(asObject = false) {
return projectTasksModel.getProjectTasks(this.id, asObject);
//...other methods on constructor class
//Returns an array containing all project tasks
var projectTasks = myProject.getProjectTasks();
//Returns an indexed cache object that hasn't been converted into an array, keys=id and val=list item
var projectTasks = myProject.getProjectTasks(true);