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Better React Wrapper for Mapbox GL

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This is a React wrapper for Mapbox GL JS. I created this wrapper for 2 reasons:

  1. Existing wrappers are not well maintained and are not up to date with the latest Mapbox GL JS API.
  2. I wanted to support mapbox-gl@v2 while still supporting mapbox-gl@v1 because it's free.



npm install mapbox-react-wrapper

By default, this package will install mapbox-gl@v1. If you want to use mapbox-gl@v2, you can install it like this:

npm install mapbox-react-wrapper [email protected]


import React from "react";
import { MapboxReact } from "mapbox-react-wrapper";

const App = () => {
  return (
      accessToken={"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"} // not required if you are on mapbox-gl@v1 and aren't using mapbox's map styles
      mapStyle="mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11" // url or mapbox style object
        center: [0, 0],
        zoom: 1.5,

export default App;


Prop Type Description
accessToken string Mapbox access token. Required if you are using mapbox's map styles.
mapStyle string or object Mapbox style object or url.
interactive boolean Whether the map is interactive.
height CSSProperties['height'] Height of the map.
width CSSProperties['height'] Width of the map.
mapboxOptions MapboxOptions Mapbox options.
idleSpin boolean Whether the map should spin when idle.
showMapControls boolean Whether to show map controls.
markers CustomMarkerProps[] Array of markers.
flyTo CustomFlyToOptions Fly to options.

Props supported in mapbox-gl@v2

Prop Type Description
projection ProjectionLike Projection used by the map.
fog FogOptions Fog options.


3D Globe Projection

Works with mapbox-gl@v2

import React from "react";
import { MapboxReact } from "mapbox-react-wrapper";

const App = () => {
  return (
      accessToken={"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"} // not required if you are on mapbox-gl@v1 and aren't using mapbox's map styles
      mapStyle="mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11" // url or mapbox style object
        center: [0, 0],
        zoom: 1.5,
        projection: {
          name: "globe",
        range: [-1, 2],
        "horizon-blend": 0.3,
        color: "#242B4B",
        "high-color": "#161B36",
        "space-color": "#0B1026",
        "star-intensity": 0.8,

export default App;

Free Mapbox GL JS

Using open satellite layer from arcgis instead of mapbox map styles and mapbox-gl@v1 where you don't need an access token if no mapbox APIs are being used. You can also use map style objects which follow Mapbox Style Spec. OpenMapTiles is a collection of Open-source map styles that follow Mapbox GL style specification. It requires a little bit of tweeking but it works. Maybe I can include support for other map styles in future versions. Best part is with mapbox-gl@v1 you can use it for free. Don't forget to add proper attribution when using third party map styles.

import React from "react";
import { MapboxReact } from "mapbox-react-wrapper";

const App = () => {
  return (
        center: [0, 0],
        zoom: 1.5,
      // arcgis satellite layer
          source: {
            id: "satellite-source",
            type: "raster",
            tiles: [
            tileSize: 256,
          layers: [
              id: "raster-layer",
              type: "raster",
              source: "satellite-source",
              minzoom: 0,
              maxzoom: 22,

export default App;

Roadmap till v0.1.0

  • globe projection with mapbox-gl@v2
  • free usage with mapbox-gl@v1
  • custom map styles
  • default markers
  • partial support for raster layers
  • fly to options
  • idle spin
  • fog support with mapbox-gl@v2
  • custom markers and popups
  • geojson layers
  • raster layers
  • vector layers
  • events
  • clustering


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or a PR.



❤️ of Open Source

This project is part of the Open Source Initiative.

Open Source


This project is not affiliated with Mapbox in any way. Mapbox is a registered trademark of Mapbox, Inc.. I am using Mapbox's APIs and services in the spirit of Open Source. Any issues with the usage of Mapbox's APIs and services should be directed to Mapbox, Inc..