A node library to interact with the GitHub issues API
const ghissues = require('ghissues')
, authOptions = { user: 'rvagg', token: '24d5dee258c64aef38a66c0c5eca459c379901c2' }
// list all issues in a repo
ghissues.list(authOptions, 'rvagg', 'jsonist', function (err, issuelist) {
// Array of issues data for 'rvagg/jsonist'
// get issue data by number (not internal GitHub id)
ghissues.get(authOptions, 'rvagg', 'nan', 123, function (err, issue) {
// object containing full issue #123
// create an issue
var data = {
title : 'New issue bro'
, body : 'Pretty **slick** `markdown`'
ghissues.create(authOptions, 'rvagg', 'jsonist', data, function (err, issue) {
// data for new issue
// list all comments in an issue
ghissues.listComments(authOptions, 'rvagg', 'jsonist', 47, function (err, commentlist) {
// Array of comment data for 'rvagg/jsonist#47'
// create a comment
var body = 'Whoa dude, this is awesomesauce!! :+1:'
ghissues.createComment(authOptions, 'rvagg', 'jsonist', 101, body, function (err, issue) {
// data for new comment in 'rvagg/jsonist#101'
The auth data is compatible with ghauth so you can just connect them together to make a simple command-line application:
const ghauth = require('ghauth')
, ghissues = require('ghissues')
, authOptions = {
configName : 'issue-lister'
, scopes : [ 'user' ]
ghauth(authOptions, function (err, authData) {
ghissues.list(authData, 'rvagg', 'node-levelup', function (err, list) {
console.log('Issues in rvagg/node-levelup:')
list.forEach(function (i) {
console.log('#%s: %s', i.number, i.title)
ghissues is Copyright (c) 2014 Rod Vagg @rvagg and licensed under the MIT licence. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE file for more details.