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Clojure client for Typesense

Clojars Project

Clojure client for Typesense 27.1

All of the examples uses the typesense.client namespace. The examples shows the simplest way to get started using the client, but all parameters described on Typesense API documentation should work, if that is not the case, please make a pull-request or open an issue.

The values shown in the example might not be 100% up to date with the current Typesense version, please go to the Typesense documentation to be sure of the return values.


Two values are currently required for settings.

  • Uri the base-uri for Typesense, an example is "https://localhost:8108".
  • Key the api-key required for the header X-TYPESENSE-API-KEY.

Example of settings.

(def settings {:uri "http://localhost:8108"
               :key "my-super-secret-api-key"})


This section describes how to use the collection, further information can be found here.

Create collection

The different types for the schema can be found here.

The examples displays the creation of collection named companies.

 {:name "companies"
  :fields [{:name "company_name"
            :type "string"}
           {:name "num_employees"
            :type "int32"}
           {:name "country"
            :type "string"
            :facet true}]
  :default_sorting_field "num_employees"})

;; Example success response =>
{:default_sorting_field "num_employees"
 :enable_nested_fields false
 :fields [{:facet false
           :index true
           :name "company_name"
           :optional false
           :stem false
           :type "string"
           :infix false
           :locale ""
           :sort false}
          {:facet false
           :index true
           :name "num_employees"
           :optional false
           :stem false
           :type "int32"
           :infix false
           :locale ""
           :sort true}
          {:facet true
           :index true
           :name "country"
           :optional false
           :stem false
           :type "string"
           :infix false
           :locale ""
           :sort false}]
 :name "companies_collection_test"
 :num_documents 0
 :symbols_to_index []
 :token_separators []}

Update collection

The different types for the schema can be found here.

The examples shows updating the collection named named companies with a new field year_founded.

 {:fields [{:name "year_founded"
            :type "int32"
            :optional true}]})

;; Example success response =>
{:fields [{:facet false,
             :index true,
             :infix false,
             :locale "",
             :name "year_founded",
             :nested false,
             :nested_array 0,
             :num_dim 0,
             :optional true,
             :sort true,
             :stem false
             :type "int32",
             :vec_dist "cosine",
             +:embed nil,
             +:reference ""}]}

Delete collection

Permanently drops a collection on the collection-name. This action cannot be undone. For large collections, this might have an impact on read latencies.

(delete-collection! settings "companies")

;; Example success response =>
{:created_at 1647261230
 :enable_nested_fields false
 :default_sorting_field "num_employees"
 [{:facet false
   :index true
   :name "company_name"
   :optional false
   :stem false
   :type "string"}
  {:facet false
   :index true
   :name "num_employees"
   :optional false
   :stem false
   :type "int32"}
  {:facet true
   :index true
   :name "country"
   :stem false
   :optional false
   :type "string"}]
 :name "companies"
 :num_documents 0
 :symbols_to_index []
 :token_separators []}

List collections

Returns a summary of all your collections. The collections are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent collections appearing first.

(list-collections settings)

;; Example success response =>
[{:default_sorting_field "num_employees"
  :enable_nested_fields false
  :fields [{:facet false
            :index true
            :name "company_name"
            :optional false
            :type "string"
            :infix false
            :locale ""
            :sort false}
           {:facet false
            :index true
            :name "num_employees"
            :optional false
            :type "int32"
            :infix false
            :locale ""
            :sort true}
           {:facet true
            :index true
            :name "country"
            :optional false
            :type "string"
            :infix false
            :locale ""
            :sort false}]
  :name "companies_collection_test"
  :num_documents 0
  :symbols_to_index []
  :token_separators []}]

Retrieve collection

Retrieves the collection on the collection-name.

(retrieve-collection settings "companies")

;; Example success response =>
{:default_sorting_field "num_employees"
 :enable_nested_fields false
 :fields [{:facet false
           :index true
           :infix false
           :locale ""
           :name "company_name"
           :optional false
           :sort false
           :type "string"}
          {:facet false
           :index true
           :infix false
           :locale ""
           :name "num_employees"
           :optional false
           :sort true
           :type "int32"}
          {:facet true
           :index true
           :infix false
           :locale ""
           :name "country"
           :optional false
           :sort false
           :type "string"}]
 :name "companies_collection_test"
 :num_documents 0
 :symbols_to_index []
 :token_separators []}


This section describes how to use the documents, further information can be found here.

Create document

Creates the document in a given collection. The document should comply with the schema of the collection.

(create-document! settings "companies" {:company_name "Stark Industries"
                                        :num_employees 5215
                                        :country "USA"})

;; Example success response =>
{:company_name "Stark Industries"
 :country "USA"
 :id "0"
 :num_employees 5215}

Upsert document

Upsert the document in a given collection. The document will either be created or updated depending on if it already exists.

(upsert-document! settings "companies" {:company_name "Awesome Inc."
                                        :num_employees 10
                                        :country "Norway"})

;; Example success response =>
{:company_name "Awesome Inc."
 :num_employees 10
 :country "Norway"
 :id "1"}

Retrieve document

Retrieves document in a collection on id. The id can be parsed in as int or string.

(retrieve-document settings "companies" 1)

;; Example success response =>
{:company_name "Awesome Inc."
 :num_employees 10
 :country "Norway"
 :id "1"}

Delete document

Deletes document in a collection on id. The id can be parsed in as int or string.

(delete-document! settings "companies" 1)

;; Example success response =>
{:company_name "Stark Industries"
 :country "USA"
 :id "0"
 :num_employees 5215}

Update document

Update document in a collection on id. The update can be partial.

(update-document! settings "companies" {:company_name "Mega Awesome Inc."} 1)

;; Example success response =>
{:company_name "Mega Awesome Inc."
 :num_employees 10
 :country "Norway"
 :id "1"}

Create/Upsert/Update/Delete Documents

Create/upsert/update documents. All of them takes optional parameters, an example is setting the batch size using :batch_size 20. Read more here.

Create documents

(create-documents! settings
                   [{:company_name "Innovationsoft A/S"
                     :num_employees 10
                     :country "Finland"}
                    {:company_name "GoSoftware"
                     :num_employees 5000
                     :country "Sweden"}])

;; Example success response =>
[{:success true} {:success true}]

Upsert documents

(upsert-documents! settings
                   [{:company_name "Innovationsoft A/S"
                     :num_employees 10
                     :country "Finland"}
                    {:company_name "GoSoftware"
                     :num_employees 5000
                     :country "Sweden"}])

;; Example success response =>
[{:success true} {:success true}]

Update documents

(update-documents! settings
                   [{:id "1"
                     :company_name "Innovationsoft A/S"
                     :num_employees 10
                     :country "Finland"}
                    {:id "2"
                     :company_name "GoSoftware"
                     :num_employees 5000
                     :country "Sweden"}])

;; Example success response =>
[{:success true} {:success true}]

Delete documents

Delete multiple documents on filter.

(delete-documents! settings "companies" {:filter_by "num_employees:>=100"})

;; Example success response =>
{:num_deleted 2}

Export documents

Export documents in collection.

(export-documents settings "companies" {:filter_by "num_employees:>=100"})

;; Example success response =>
[{:id "1"
  :company_name "Innovationsoft A/S"
  :num_employees 10
  :country "Finland"}]


Search for documents in a collection. You can find all the query arguments here.

(search settings "companies" {:q "Innovation"
                              :query_by "company_name"})

;; Example success response =>
 {:facet_counts []
 :found 1
   {:company_name "Innovationsoft A/S"
    :country "Finland"
    :id "1"
    :num_employees 10}
    {:matched_tokens ["Innovation"]
     :snippet "<mark>Innovation</mark>soft A/S"}}
   [{:field "company_name"
     :matched_tokens ["Innovation"]
     :snippet "<mark>Innovation</mark>soft A/S"}]
   :text_match 578730089005449337
   {:best_field_score "1108074561536"
    :best_field_weight 15
    :fields_matched 1
    :score "578730089005449337"
    :tokens_matched 1}}]
 :out_of 1
 :page 1
 {:collection_name "companies_documents_test"
  :per_page 10
  :q "Innovation"}
 :search_cutoff false
 :search_time_ms 0}

Multi search

You can send multiple search requests in a single HTTP request, using the Multi-Search feature. This is especially useful to avoid round-trip network latencies incurred otherwise if each of these requests are sent in separate HTTP requests. You can read more about multi-search here.

 {:searches [{:collection "products"
              :q "shoe"
              :filter_by "price:=[50..120]"}
             {:collection "brands"
              :q "Nike"}]}
 {:query_by "name"})

;; Example success response =>
 [{:facet_counts []
   :found 1
   [{:document {:id "1" :name "shoe" :price 75}
     {:name {:matched_tokens ["shoe"] :snippet "<mark>shoe</mark>"}}
     [{:field "name"
       :matched_tokens ["shoe"]
       :snippet "<mark>shoe</mark>"}]
     :text_match 578730123365711993
     {:best_field_score "1108091339008"
      :best_field_weight 15
      :fields_matched 1
      :score "578730123365711993"
      :tokens_matched 1}}]
   :out_of 1
   :page 1
   {:collection_name "products_multi_search_test"
    :per_page 10
    :q "shoe"}
   :search_cutoff false
   :search_time_ms 0}
  {:facet_counts []
   :found 1
   [{:document {:id "1" :name "Nike"}
     {:name {:matched_tokens ["Nike"] :snippet "<mark>Nike</mark>"}}
     [{:field "name"
       :matched_tokens ["Nike"]
       :snippet "<mark>Nike</mark>"}]
     :text_match 578730123365711993
     {:best_field_score "1108091339008"
      :best_field_weight 15
      :fields_matched 1
      :score "578730123365711993"
      :tokens_matched 1}}]
   :out_of 1
   :page 1
   {:collection_name "brands_multi_search_test"
    :per_page 10
    :q "Nike"}
   :search_cutoff false
   :search_time_ms 0}]}


;; Create collection for geosearch with document.
(let [schema {:name "places"
              :fields [{:name "title" :type "string"}
                       {:name "points" :type "int32"}
                       {:name "location" :type "geopoint"}]
              :default_sorting_field "points"}
      document {:points 1
                :title "Louvre Museuem"
                :location [48.86093481609114 2.33698396872901]}]
  (create-collection! settings schema)
  (create-document! settings "places" document))

;; Search
(search settings
        {:q "*"
         :query_by "title"
         :filter_by "location:(48.90615915923891 2.3435897727061175 5.1 km)"
         :sort_by "location(48.853 2.344):asc"})

;; Example success response =>
{:facet_counts []
 :found 1
   {:id "0"
    :location [48.86093481609114 2.33698396872901]
    :points 1
    :title "Louvre Museuem"}
   :geo_distance_meters {:location 1020}
   :highlight {}
   :highlights []}]
 :out_of 1
 :page 1
 :request_params {:collection_name "places" :per_page 10 :q "*"}
 :search_cutoff false}

Api keys

Typesense allows you to create API Keys with fine-grain access control. You can restrict access on both a per-collection and per-action level, read more here

Create api key

(create-api-key! settings {:description "Search only companies key."
                           :actions ["document:search"]
                           :collections ["companies"]})

;; Example response =>
{:actions ["document:search"]
 :collections ["companies"]
 :description "Search only companies key."
 :expires_at 64723363199
 :autodelete false
 :id 0
 :value "sK0jo6CSn1EBoJJ8LKPjRZCtsJ1JCFkt"}

Retrieve api key

Retrieves api key on id.

(retrieve-api-key settings 0)

;; Example response =>
{:actions ["document:search"]
 :collections ["companies"]
 :description "Search only companies key."
 :expires_at 64723363199
 :autodelete false
 :id 0
 :value_prefix "vLbB"}

List api keys

List all api keys.

(list-api-keys settings)

;; Example response =>
{:keys [{:actions ["document:search"]
         :collections ["companies"]
         :description "Search only companies key."
         :expires_at 64723363199
         :autodelete false
         :id 0
         :value_prefix "vLbB"}]}

Delete api key

Deletes api key on id.

(delete-api-key! settings 0)

;; Example success response =>
{:id 0}


Using overrides, you can include or exclude specific documents for a given query, read more here.

Create or update an override

Create or update override if already exist.

(upsert-override! settings
                  {:rule {:query "apple"
                          :match "exact"}
                   :includes [{:id "422" :position 1}
                              {:id "54" :position 2}]
                   :excludes [{:id "287"}]})

;; Examples success response =>
{:excludes [{:id "287"}]
 :id "customize_apple"
 :includes [{:id "422" :position 1} {:id "54" :position 2}]
 :rule {:match "exact" :query "apple"}}

List overrides

List all overrides.

(list-overrides settings "companies")

;; Example success response =>
 [{:excludes [{:id "287"}]
   :filter_curated_hits false
   :id "customize_apple"
   :includes [{:id "422" :position 1} {:id "54" :position 2}]
   :remove_matched_tokens false
   :rule {:match "exact" :query "apple"}
   :stop_processing true}]}

Retrieve override

Retrieves override on name.

(retrieve-override settings "companies" "customize-apple")

;; Example success response =>
{:excludes [{:id "287"}]
 :filter_curated_hits false
 :id "customize_apple"
 :includes [{:id "422" :position 1} {:id "54" :position 2}]
 :remove_matched_tokens false
 :rule {:match "exact" :query "apple"}
 :stop_processing true}

Delete override

Deletes override on name.

(delete-override! settings "companies" "customize-apple")

;; Example success response =>
{:id "customize_apple"}

Collection alias

An alias is a virtual collection name that points to a real collection. Read more here

Create or update alias

Create or update alias.

(upsert-alias! settings "companies" {:collection_name "companies_june11"})

;; Example success response =>
{:collection_name "companies_june11" :name "companies"}

Retrieve alias

Retrieve alias on collection-name.

(retrieve-alias settings "companies")

;; Example success response =>
{:collection_name "companies_alias_test" :name "companies"}

List aliases

List aliases.

(list-aliases settings)

;; Example success response =>
{:aliases [{:collection_name "companies_alias_test" :name "companies"}]}

Delete alias

Delete alias on collection name.

(delete-alias! settings "companies")

;; Example success response =>
{:collection_name "companies_alias_test" :name "companies"}


The synonyms feature allows you to define search terms that should be considered equivalent, read more here.

Create or update synonym

Create or update synonym.

(upsert-synonym! settings "products" "coat-synonyms" {:synonyms ["blazer" "coat" "jacket"]})

;; Example success response =>
{:id "coat-synonyms" :synonyms ["blazer" "coat" "jacket"]}

Retrieve synonym

Retrieve synonym on synonym name in collection.

(retrieve-synonym settings "products" "coat-synonyms")

;; Example success response =>
{:id "coat-synonyms" :root "" :synonyms ["blazer" "coat" "jacket"]}

List synonyms

List synonyms in collection.

(list-synonyms settings "products")

;; Example success response =>
{:synonyms [{:id "coat-synonyms" :root "" :synonyms ["blazer" "coat" "jacket"]}]}

Delete synonym

Delete synonym on synonym-name in collection.

(delete-synonym! settings "products" "coat-synonyms")

;; Example success response =>
{:id "coat-synonyms"}

Cluster operations


Get health information about a Typesense node.

(health settings)

;; Example success response =>
{:ok true}


Get current RAM, CPU, Disk & Network usage metrics.

(metrics settings)

;; Example success response =>
{:system_cpu8_active_percentage "0.00",
 :system_cpu12_active_percentage "9.09",
 :typesense_memory_allocated_bytes "87053184",
 :system_cpu5_active_percentage "9.09",
 :system_network_sent_bytes "475775",
 :system_cpu3_active_percentage "0.00",
 :system_cpu9_active_percentage "0.00",
 :typesense_memory_resident_bytes "97734656",
 :system_cpu_active_percentage "3.77",
 :system_memory_used_bytes "5583503360",
 :system_cpu14_active_percentage "9.09",
 :system_cpu15_active_percentage "0.00",
 :system_cpu6_active_percentage "0.00",
 :system_cpu10_active_percentage "10.00",
 :system_network_received_bytes "585752",
 :system_cpu13_active_percentage "0.00",
 :system_cpu11_active_percentage "0.00",
 :system_disk_total_bytes "16782462976",
 :typesense_memory_metadata_bytes "28598544",
 :system_cpu4_active_percentage "10.00",
 :system_cpu16_active_percentage "0.00",
 :typesense_memory_fragmentation_ratio "0.11",
 :system_disk_used_bytes "24072192",
 :system_memory_total_bytes "33564925952",
 :typesense_memory_mapped_bytes "255479808",
 :system_cpu2_active_percentage "18.18",
 :system_cpu1_active_percentage "9.09",
 :typesense_memory_retained_bytes "80064512",
 :system_cpu7_active_percentage "0.00",
 :typesense_memory_active_bytes "97734656"}


Get stats about API endpoints. Returns average requests per second and latencies for all requests in the last 10 seconds.

(stats settings)

;; Example success response =>
{:import_latency_ms 0
 :write_requests_per_second 0
 :import_requests_per_second 0
 :write_latency_ms 0
 :latency_ms {}
 :pending_write_batches 0
 :search_requests_per_second 0
 :delete_requests_per_second 0
 :search_latency_ms 0
 :requests_per_second {}
 :total_requests_per_second 0.0
 :overloaded_requests_per_second 0
 :delete_latency_ms 0}


Typesense API Errors

Typesense API exceptions in the Typesense-api-errors spec.

Type Description
:typesense.client/bad-request Bad Request - The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax.
:typesense.client/unauthorized Unauthorized - Your API key is wrong.
:typesense.client/not-found Not Found - The requested resource is not found.
:typesense.client/conflict Conflict - When a resource already exists.
:typesense.client/unprocessable-entity Unprocessable Entity - Request is well-formed, but cannot be processed.
:typesense.client/service-unavailable Service Unavailable - We’re temporarily offline. Please try again later.
:typesense.client/unspecified-api-error If Typesense throws an error that is not specified in the spec.



Run unit tests

The following command runs only unit tests.

bin/kaocha unit

Run integration tests

To run the integration tests you can run a local docker instance with the following command. This will start a instance of Typesense on localhost:8108. The Typesense instance will be cleaned before starting the integration tests.

docker run -p 8108:8108 -v/tmp/data:/data typesense/typesense:27.1 --data-dir /data --api-key=key

The following command runs only the integration tests.

bin/kaocha integration

Run all the tests.

The following command runs all tests.



Clojure HTTP client for Typesense








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