A thrilling multiplayer hide-and-seek game that takes place in an alien's prison in space. Player 1 acts as an escaping prisoner that must reach the other side of the map before Player 2, who acts as an alien, stops her. Player 1 wins if he/she escapes in the spaceship at the end of the map. Player 2 wins if he/she defeats Player 1.
Built with HTML5 and socket.io.
The hosted website for this game is no longer available, but can still be installed locally via npm. Another player must be connected in order to play.
npm install
npm start
-> Runs the server on port 8080
- Go to http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser
- Then, open a second tab and open http://your-ip-address:8080.
- Ryan Williams - rpwilliams
- Dalton Graber - dgraber95
- Ben Stegeman - bsteg16
- Samuel Turner-Lill - sLill
- Kathryn Kristiansen
- Nasser Alhamadah
- Andrew Leigh
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
All players, maps, etc. are from https://opengameart.org/.
Radar Sounds: http://soundbible.com/1183-Sonar.html (creepy) http://soundbible.com/2158-Text-Message-Alert-5.html (generic cartoon sound) http://soundbible.com/2154-Text-Message-Alert-1.html (generic cartoon sound)
Walking Sounds: http://soundbible.com/1432-Walking-On-Gravel.html https://www.freesound.org/people/stintx/sounds/107624/
Hiding Sounds: https://www.freesound.org/people/schademans/sounds/2596/ (bushes) https://www.freesound.org/people/Robinhood76/sounds/95557/ (generic cartoon sound) http://soundbible.com/1431-Funny-Slip.html (generic cartoon sound)
Alien Laser Beam Sounds: http://soundbible.com/1802-Alien-Machine-Gun.html (alien machine gun sound) https://www.freesound.org/people/DJ%20Burnham/sounds/66807/ (could sound like a tractor beam if played on repeat) https://www.freesound.org/people/ejfortin/sounds/49690/ (creepy) https://www.freesound.org/people/jackjames_tomknevitt/sounds/209539/
Game Over Sounds: https://www.freesound.org/people/omarstone/sounds/196841 (monster)
Ambiance Sounds: http://soundbible.com/1064-Crickets.html