Common lisp bindings for OpenBSD pledge(2) and unveil(2)
Makes it easier to call pledge and unveil in a lispier way:
(obsd:pledge stdio prot-exec rpath) ;;for promisses only, no execpromisses
(obsd:pledge (stdio exec prot-exec xpath) (stdio wpath)) ;; for promisses and execpromisses
(obsd:unveil #p"/tmp" rwc)
Signals compile time errors when you make a typo
(obsd:pledge executive nonsense) ;; does not compile
(obsd:unveil #p"/home/me" read) ;; does not compile either
Install with asdf: clone to ~/common-lisp
or elswhere where your asdf looks, then (asdf:make :cl-openbsd-security)
Not on quicklisp (yet?).
Obviously only usable on OpenBSD. Will fail on any other OS. If you want to use this opportunistically, detect OS before use.
Works with all common lisp implementations available in OpenBSD ports for amd64:
- ABCL (
pkg-add -i jna
before use or otherwise get jna on classpath)
of course the minimal set of pledges differs on different implementations