This organization is used to archive unmaintained projects related to the Coq / Rocq Prover ecosystem, including, but not limited to, former "Coq contribs".
While projects in this archive are (virtually) unmaintained, any project can be picked up and maintained again if there is interest.
If you volunteer to become the new maintainer of a project in the Archive, please signal your interest in an issue of the Coq-community manifesto repository (either a new issue, or an existing one if an issue has already been opened to note that the project is looking for a new maintainer):
Authors of unmaintained Rocq Prover related projects are also welcome to propose their projects for adoption in the Coq-community manifesto issue tracker. In case a volunteer is found, the project can be transfered directly in Coq-community, but in case no volunteer is found, they can be transfered to the Rocq Prover Archive until someone is eventually interested in picking up the project.
This Archive is co-managed by Coq / Rocq core developers and Coq-community admins.