A vanilla JS responsive menu plugin. Mobile first, accessible, customizable
- Accessible friendly
- compressed 4kb
- Regular menu on older browsers or when JS is disabled / broken
To make sure that menu items don't show for a split second on mobile sized screens add the following (or just use Modernizr):
<body class="no-js">
<script type="text/javascript">function hasClass(e,t){return e.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)"+t+"(\\s|$)"))}var el=document.body;var cl="no-js";if(hasClass(el,cl)){var reg=new RegExp("(\\s|^)"+cl+"(\\s|$)");el.className=el.className.replace(reg," js")}</script>
Basic markup:
<div class="navigation_container">
<li><a href="#">Item</a></li>
Note: two things are important here:
- make sure you have a wrapper around the menu with the "navigation_container" class. When changed also change this in the CSS (or SCSS, can be done by using variables) file
- Use an unordered list as your menu
- Add an "active" or "current" class to the active
element to make sure the sub-items show correctly when JS disabled/broken
Place following on the bottom of your document:
<script type="text/javascript">
wrapper: document.querySelector('.navigation_container')
The 'hiding' container. Either your <ul>
or some surrounding element
default: First found <ul>
within the wrapper
The class to attach to the wrapper when menu is initiated
default: 'rm-initiated'
The element where the toggle button will be put before
default: The first child of the wrapper element
HTML element of the main toggle button
default: 'button'
The class of the main toggle button
default: 'rm-togglebutton'
The value / text / html on the main toggle button
default: 'menu'
HTML element of the sub toggle buttons
default: 'button'
The class of the sub toggle buttons
default: 'rm-subtoggle'
The value / text / html on the sub toggle buttons
default: '+'
Use a sticky menu?
default: false
Make the toggling menu absolute positioned
default: false
The class to add to elements that need to be hidden. Hiding happens with CSS
default: 'rm-closed'
The class to add to elements that need to be displayed. Displaying happens with CSS
default: 'rm-opened'
Class that gets toggled to the <body>
element when using the main toggle
default: 'has-opened-menu'
The class used for accessibility
default: 'rm-focused'
Class that gets added when opening the menu. All animations should be done manually by using CSS
default: 'is-opening'
Class that gets added when closing the menu. All animations should be done manually by using CSS
default: 'is-closing'
Duration of the main toggle. Should be the same as CSS animation / transition
default: 0
Class that gets added when opening sub menu items. All animations should be done manually by using CSS
default: 'is-opening'
Class that gets added when closing sub menu items. All animations should be done manually by using CSS
default: 'is-closing'
Duration of the main toggle. Should be the same as CSS animation / transition
default: 0
Class that gets added to parent <li>
default: 'rm-parent'
Class that gets added when the menu is not the mobile menu but the collapsed full width menu (desktop)
default: 'rm-fullmenu'
Absolute menu class (only used when 'absolute' setting is being used)
default: 'rm-absolutemenu'
Class to add to body when menu is overflowing (only used when 'fixed' setting is being used)
default: 'rm-bodyoverflowhidden'
Class to add to the wrapper viewportheight is larger than menuheight (only used when 'fixed' setting is being used)
default: 'rm-menuoverflowauto'
Fixed menu class (only used when 'fixed' setting is being used)
default: 'rm-sticky'
Sticky initiated class (only used when 'fixed' setting is being used)
default: 'rm-sticky-initiated'
Class added to the body when feature test fails. This can be used to ceate additional styling / javascript
default: 'rm-no-responsive-menu'
The id of the element that indicates wether the menu is mobile or not
default: 'rm-mobile-indicator'