Python Scripts using Spark to analyze datasets
Install Java, Scala, and Spark according to the particulars of your specific OS. A good starting point is (but be sure to install Spark 2.0 or newer) Install the latest Enthought Canopy for Python 3.5 from 3. Test it out!
Open up a terminal
cd into the directory you installed Spark, and do an ls to see what’s in there.
Look for a text file we can play with, like or CHANGES.txt
Enter pyspark
At this point you should have a >>> prompt. If not, double check the steps above.
Enter rdd = sc.textFile(“”) (or whatever text file you’ve found) Enter rdd.count()
You should get a count of the number of lines in that file! Congratulations, you just ran your first Spark program!
Enter quit() to exit the spark shell, and close the console window
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100K data set being used here