The minimalist TDD/BDD mini-framework for ANSI-C
After using rspec in Ruby and mocha for Javascript, I looked for similar, simple and aesthetic TDD/BDD framework for my C code. I wanted my specs to look clean and readable, without any ugly bits of code.
Write your spec:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "c89spec.h"
#include "calculator.h"
describe(calculator) {
it (should add two numbers) {
assert( 2 == add(1,1) );
it (should subtract two numbers) {
assert( 1 == sub(2,1) );
it (should multiply two numbers) {
assert( 5 == mul(2,2) ); // on purpose
it (should divide two numbers) {
assert( 2 == div(4,2) );
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
return summary();
Work your way to the green:
- Define C89SPEC_NO_FANCY_STUFF to disable colors and other formatting.
- Redefine C89SPEC_PROFILE_THRESHOLD to change the max allowed time per "it" in seconds.milliseconds (default is 1.00).