Quick Export Plugin For Sketch
Export one or more selected symbols/layers/artboards in a document to a specified folder, or directly to the clipboard. You can export the selected layers as PNG in original, 2x, and 3x resolutions.
Open "QuickExport.sketchplugin" and Sketch will install the plugin. If that doesn't work, manually move QuickExport.sketchplugin into your Sketch plugins folder (Plugins > Reveal Plugins Folder to find it).
- Hit
to export the selected layers @2x resolution to clipbard. - Done!
- Hit
to export the selected layers @1x, @2x and @3x resolutions to file. - Select a folder to export.
- That's it
to export the selected layers @1x, @2x and @3x resolutions.fn
to export the selected layers @1x resolution.fn
to export the selected layers @2x resolution.fn
to export the selected layers @3x resolution.fn
to export the selected layers to SVG.fn
to export the selected layers to PDF.Command
to export the selected layers @2x resolution to clipboard.Command
to export the selected layers @3x resolution to clipboard.
- 0.9.1 (July 10, 2017) - Add export to clipboard
- 0.9 (Jan 19, 2017) - SVG export, extended and unified shortcuts
- 0.8 (Jan 11, 2017) - PDF export (Thanks to ober1)
- 0.7 (October 26, 2016) - PNG transparency support
- 0.6 (October 25, 2016) - First public release