Package pathmux provides a path oriented ("middleware") HTTP handler, which can hand-off to other HTTP handler for each path,
for the Go programming language's built-in "net/http"
Package pathmux is a HTTP request router, and dispatcher.
The name mux stands for "HTTP request multiplexer".
Similar to the built-in standard http.ServeMux in the "net/http" package, pathmux.Mux matches incoming requests against a list of registered routes and calls a handler for the route that matches the URL or other conditions.
Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at:
import ""
// ...
var mux pathmux.Mux
err := mux.HandlePath(homeHandler, "/")
err := mux.HandlePath(productsHandler, "/products")
err := mux.HandlePath(articlesHandler, "/articles")
err := mux.HandlePattern(productProducer, "/products/{key}")
err := mux.HandlePattern(articleCategoryProducer, "/articles/{category}/")
err := mux.HandlePattern(articleProducer, "/articles/{category}/{article_id}")
// handles: "/app", "/app/", "/app/apple", "/app/banana", "/app/banana/", "/app/banana/peel.jpeg", "/app/cherry", etc.
err := mux.HandleDirectory(homeHandler, "/app")
// ...
err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
To import package pathmux use import
code like the follownig:
import ""
To install package pathmux do the following:
GOPROXY=direct go get
Package pathmux was written by Charles Iliya Krempeaux