Provides the caffeine content of various drinks on request.
The skill provides the functionality to inform the user of the caffeine content of the requested drink. Multiple drinks in a row are possible.
Sample skill flow:
- Hey Mycroft, tell me caffeine content of *drink*? / how much caffeine is in *drink*?
- The drink {{drink}} has {{caffeine_content}} milligrams of caffeine in {{drink_size}} ounces.
Say how about caffeine content of another drink or say goodbye.
- Goodbye / that's all / we're done
- Goodbye. Stay caffeinated!
or -
- How about caffeine content of *drink*?
- The drink {{drink}} has {{caffeine_content}} milligrams of caffeine in {{drink_size}} ounces.
- "tell me caffeine content of drink? "
- "how much caffeine is in drink?"
reginaneon guydaniels gras64