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Rewrite DuplicateImportsRule with SwiftSyntax (#5317)
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jpsim authored Oct 31, 2023
1 parent 0c635e4 commit c4ae902
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Showing 2 changed files with 137 additions and 154 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
more violations.
[JP Simard](

* Rewrite `duplicate_imports` rule using SwiftSyntax.
[JP Simard](

#### Bug Fixes

* Fix correction of `explicit_init` rule by keeping significant trivia.
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288 changes: 134 additions & 154 deletions Source/SwiftLintBuiltInRules/Rules/Idiomatic/DuplicateImportsRule.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import Foundation
import SourceKittenFramework
import SwiftSyntax

struct DuplicateImportsRule: CorrectableRule {
// MARK: - Rule

struct DuplicateImportsRule: SwiftSyntaxCorrectableRule {
var configuration = SeverityConfiguration<Self>(.warning)

// List of all possible import kinds
Expand All @@ -21,192 +22,171 @@ struct DuplicateImportsRule: CorrectableRule {
corrections: DuplicateImportsRuleExamples.corrections

private func rangesInConditionalCompilation(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [ByteRange] {
let contents = file.stringView

let ranges = file.syntaxMap.tokens
.filter { $0.kind == .buildconfigKeyword }
.map { $0.range }
.filter { range in
return ["#if", "#endif"].contains(contents.substringWithByteRange(range))

// Make sure that each #if has corresponding #endif
guard ranges.count.isMultiple(of: 2) else { return [] }

return stride(from: 0, to: ranges.count, by: 2).reduce(into: []) { result, rangeIndex in
result.append(ranges[rangeIndex].union(with: ranges[rangeIndex + 1]))
func validate(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [StyleViolation] {
file.duplicateImportsViolationPositions().map { position in
ruleDescription: Self.description,
location: Location(file: file, position: position)

private func buildImportLineSlicesByImportSubpath(
importLines: [Line]
) -> [ImportSubpath: [ImportLineSlice]] {
var importLineSlices = [ImportSubpath: [ImportLineSlice]]()

importLines.forEach { importLine in
importLine.importSlices.forEach { slice in
importLineSlices[slice.subpath, default: []].append(
slice: slice,
line: importLine
func makeVisitor(file: SwiftLintFile) -> ViolationsSyntaxVisitor<ConfigurationType> {
queuedFatalError("Unreachable: `validate(file:)` will be used instead")

return importLineSlices
func makeRewriter(file: SwiftLintFile) -> (some ViolationsSyntaxRewriter)? {
importPositionsToRemove: file.duplicateImportsViolationPositions(),
locationConverter: file.locationConverter,
disabledRegions: disabledRegions(file: file)

private func findDuplicateImports(
file: SwiftLintFile,
importLineSlicesGroupedBySubpath: [[ImportLineSlice]]
) -> [DuplicateImport] {
typealias ImportLocation = Int

var duplicateImportsByLocation = [ImportLocation: DuplicateImport]()

importLineSlicesGroupedBySubpath.forEach { linesImportingSubpath in
guard linesImportingSubpath.count > 1 else { return }
guard let primaryImportIndex = linesImportingSubpath.firstIndex(where: {
$0.slice.type == .complete
}) else { return }

linesImportingSubpath.enumerated().forEach { index, importedLine in
guard index != primaryImportIndex else { return }
let location = Location(
file: file,
characterOffset: importedLine.line.range.location
duplicateImportsByLocation[importedLine.line.range.location] = DuplicateImport(
location: location,
range: importedLine.line.range
// MARK: - Private

return Array(duplicateImportsByLocation.values)
private final class ImportPathVisitor: SyntaxVisitor {
var importPaths = [AbsolutePosition: [String]]()
var sortedImportPaths: [(position: AbsolutePosition, path: [String])] {
.sorted { $0.key < $1.key }
.map { (position: $0, path: $1) }

private struct DuplicateImport {
let location: Location
var range: NSRange
override func visitPost(_ node: ImportDeclSyntax) {
importPaths[node.positionAfterSkippingLeadingTrivia] =\.name.text)

private func duplicateImports(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [DuplicateImport] {
let contents = file.stringView

let ignoredRanges = self.rangesInConditionalCompilation(file: file)

let importKinds = Self.importKinds.joined(separator: "|")
private final class IfConfigClauseVisitor: SyntaxVisitor {
var ifConfigRanges = [ByteSourceRange]()

// Grammar of import declaration
// attributes(optional) import import-kind(optional) import-path
let regex = "^([a-zA-Z@_]+\\s)?import(\\s(\(importKinds)))?\\s+[a-zA-Z0-9._]+$"
let importRanges = file.match(pattern: regex)
.filter { $0.1.allSatisfy { [.keyword, .identifier, .attributeBuiltin].contains($0) } }
.compactMap { contents.NSRangeToByteRange(start: $0.0.location, length: $0.0.length) }
.filter { importRange -> Bool in
return !importRange.intersects(ignoredRanges)
override func visitPost(_ node: IfConfigClauseSyntax) {

let lines = file.lines
private struct ImportPathUsage: Hashable {
struct HashableByteSourceRange: Hashable {
let value: ByteSourceRange

let importLines: [Line] = importRanges.compactMap { range in
guard let line = contents.lineAndCharacter(forByteOffset: range.location)?.line
else { return nil }
return lines[line - 1]
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

let importLineSlices = buildImportLineSlicesByImportSubpath(importLines: importLines)
init(ifConfigRanges: [ByteSourceRange], path: [String]) {
self.hashableIfConfigRanges =
self.path = path

let duplicateImports = findDuplicateImports(
file: file,
importLineSlicesGroupedBySubpath: Array(importLineSlices.values)
var ifConfigRanges: [ByteSourceRange] {\.value) }
let hashableIfConfigRanges: [HashableByteSourceRange]
let path: [String]

return duplicateImports.sorted(by: {
$0.range.lowerBound < $1.range.lowerBound
private extension SwiftLintFile {
func duplicateImportsViolationPositions() -> [AbsolutePosition] {
let importPaths = ImportPathVisitor(viewMode: .sourceAccurate)
.walk(file: self, handler: \.sortedImportPaths)

func validate(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [StyleViolation] {
return duplicateImports(file: file).map { duplicateImport in
ruleDescription: Self.description,
severity: configuration.severity,
location: duplicateImport.location
let ifConfigRanges = IfConfigClauseVisitor(viewMode: .sourceAccurate)
.walk(file: self, handler: \.ifConfigRanges)

func correct(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [Correction] {
let duplicateImports = duplicateImports(file: file).reversed().filter {
file.ruleEnabled(violatingRange: $0.range, for: self) != nil
func ranges(for position: AbsolutePosition) -> [ByteSourceRange] {
let positionRange = ByteSourceRange(offset: position.utf8Offset, length: 0)
return ifConfigRanges.filter { $0.intersectsOrTouches(positionRange) }

let violatingRanges =\.range)
let correctedFileContents = violatingRanges.reduce(file.stringView.nsString) { contents, range in
in: range,
with: ""
var violationPositions = Set<AbsolutePosition>()
var seen = Set<ImportPathUsage>()

// Exact matches
for (position, path) in importPaths {
let rangesForPosition = ranges(for: position)

return { duplicateImport in
ruleDescription: Self.description,
location: duplicateImport.location
defer {
ImportPathUsage(ifConfigRanges: rangesForPosition, path: path)

private typealias ImportSubpath = ArraySlice<String>
guard\.path).contains(path) else {

private struct ImportSlice {
enum ImportSliceType {
/// For "import A.B.C" parent subpaths are ["A", "B"] and ["A"]
case parent
let intersects = {
let otherRangesForPosition = seen
.filter { $0.path == path }

/// For "import A.B.C" complete subpath is ["A", "B", "C"]
case complete
return rangesForPosition.contains(where: otherRangesForPosition.contains)

let subpath: ImportSubpath
let type: ImportSliceType
if rangesForPosition.isEmpty || intersects() {

private struct ImportLineSlice {
let slice: ImportSlice
let line: Line
// Partial matches
for (position, path) in importPaths {
let violation = importPaths.contains { other in
let otherPath = other.path
guard path.starts(with: otherPath), otherPath != path else { return false }
let rangesForPosition = ranges(for: position)
let otherRangesForPosition = ranges(for: other.position)
let intersects = rangesForPosition.contains { range in
return intersects || rangesForPosition.isEmpty
if violation {

private extension Line {
/// Returns name of the module being imported.
var importIdentifier: Substring? {
return self.content.split(separator: " ").last
return violationPositions.sorted()

/// For "import A.B.C" returns slices [["A", "B", "C"], ["A", "B"], ["A"]]
var importSlices: [ImportSlice] {
guard let importIdentifier else { return [] }
private extension DuplicateImportsRule {
final class Rewriter: ViolationsSyntaxRewriter {
let importPositionsToRemove: [AbsolutePosition]

importPositionsToRemove: [AbsolutePosition],
locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter,
disabledRegions: [SourceRange]
) {
self.importPositionsToRemove = importPositionsToRemove
super.init(locationConverter: locationConverter, disabledRegions: disabledRegions)

let importedSubpathParts = importIdentifier.split(separator: ".").map { String($0) }
guard !importedSubpathParts.isEmpty else { return [] }
override func visit(_ node: CodeBlockItemListSyntax) -> CodeBlockItemListSyntax {
let itemsToRemove = node
.map { ($0, $1.item.positionAfterSkippingLeadingTrivia) }
.filter { _, position in importPositionsToRemove.contains(position) }
.map { (indexInParent: $0, absolutePosition: $1) }

return [
subpath: importedSubpathParts[0..<importedSubpathParts.count],
type: .complete
] + (1..<importedSubpathParts.count).map {
subpath: importedSubpathParts[0..<importedSubpathParts.count - $0],
type: .parent

var copy = node
for indexInParent in\.indexInParent).reversed() {
let currentIndex = copy.index(copy.startIndex, offsetBy: indexInParent)
let nextIndex = copy.index(after: currentIndex)
// Preserve leading trivia by moving it to the next item
if nextIndex < copy.endIndex {
copy[nextIndex].leadingTrivia = copy[currentIndex].leadingTrivia
copy.remove(at: currentIndex)

return super.visit(copy)

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