An errbot plugin for working with Atlassian JIRA. Currently implemented:
- Describe a Jira issue ID
- Basic search inside summary or description texts
- Advanced search in JQL
- Create issue
- Assign issue to valid user for the project
- Transition issue
Follow the guides on the JIRA developer pages:
See requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
!repos install
!plugin config Jira {'API_URL': '', 'USERNAME': 'errbot', 'PASSWORD': 'password', 'PROJECT': 'FOO'}
!plugin activate Jira
>>> jira create This is an example @raph -p P3
Jira issue BDBDEV-585:
This is an example ()
┃ Assignee ┃ Status ┃
│ Raphael Wxxxxxx │ P3 │
>>> jira assign bdbdev-586 sam
Issue BDBDEV-586 assigned to Sam Gxxxxx
>>> what about bdbdev-586? # This bot listen for Jira ID.
Jira issue BDBDEV-586:
This is an example ()
┃ Assignee ┃ Status ┃
│ Sam Gxxxxx │ P3 │
>>> jira transition bdbdev-586 foo
Transition foo does not exist, available transitions: monitor
- open
- doing
- deploy
- test
- close
>>> jira transition bdbdev-586 close
Jira issue BDBDEV-586:
This is an example ()
┃ Assignee ┃ Status ┃
│ Sam Gxxxxx │ P3 │