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Datadog downtime action

This action allows you to create a downtime in Datadog. This is useful for example when you want to schedule a maintenance window for your application during a deployment.


In order to use this action, you need to provide your Datadog API and application keys as secrets.

The application key needs the monitors_downtime permission.

Screenshot of Datadog application key permissions



Create a downtime for 5 minutes that will affect all monitors in your Datadog account.

- uses: raviocom/datadog-downtime-action@v1
    downtime-minutes: 5
    api-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_API_KEY }}
    app-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_APP_KEY }}

Disable a specific monitor

Create a downtime for 5 minutes that will affect only the monitor with the ID 123456.

The monitor ID can be found in the URL of the monitor in Datadog, for example

- uses: raviocom/datadog-downtime-action@v1
    downtime-minutes: 5
    monitor-id: 123456
    api-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_API_KEY }}
    app-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_APP_KEY }}

Disable monitors by tag(s)

Create a downtime for 5 minutes that will affect only the monitors with the tag ignore-during-deploy.

For more information about monitor tags, see the Datadog downtime documentation.

- uses: raviocom/datadog-downtime-action@v1
    downtime-minutes: 5
    monitor-tags: '["ignore-during-deploy"]'
    api-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_API_KEY }}
    app-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_APP_KEY }}

You can also use multiple tags to create a downtime for multiple monitors. e.g. monitor-tags: '["ignore-during-deploy", "ignore-during-deploy-2"]'

or you can require a monitor to have multiple tags e.g. monitor-tags: '["ignore-during-deploy-2,env:prod"]'

Disable monitors by scope(s)

Create a downtime for 5 minutes that will affect only sources with the scope env:prod.

For more information about scopes, see the Datadog downtime documentation.

- uses: raviocom/datadog-downtime-action@v1
    downtime-minutes: 5
    scope: '["env:prod"]'
    api-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_API_KEY }}
    app-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_APP_KEY }}

Provide a custom downtime message

Create a downtime for 5 minutes that will affect all monitors in your Datadog account and will have the message Maintenance window - @username which will notify the user username via Datadog.

Notifications can be sent to specific users by using the @username notation, see the Datadog downtime API documentation for more information.

- uses: raviocom/datadog-downtime-action@v1
    downtime-minutes: 5
    message: 'Maintenance window - @username'
    api-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_API_KEY }}
    app-key: ${{ secrets.DATADOG_APP_KEY }}