#Class Portal Check out the Class Portal on heroku
This Class Portal is created as a course requirement for CSC 517 Spring 2016 and is deployed on Heroku. The Class Portal implements functionalities described in this requirements document.
##Build Environment
- This Class Portal uses Ruby Version 2.2.3, Rails Version 4.2.4 and postgres as database.
- The instructions to install Rails and setup postgres can be found here
- RubyMine IDE can be used for ruby development.
###Pre-configured Admin account
Password | |
[email protected] | admin1 |
###Pre-configured Teacher account
Password | |
[email protected] | password |
###Pre-configured User account
Password | |
[email protected] | password |
Once you log in to the class portal as an Admin, you'll see the Admin Dashboard where all the admin functionalities are provided.
###Admin Management
#####New Admin
- Click on the New Admin button and fill out the details like Name, Email, Password for the admin account you wish to create.
#####Edit Profile
- You can edit your profile details by using the 'Edit profile' feature provided on the upper right corner of the Class Portal.
#####View Admins
- Clicking on View Admins button will redirect you to 'Listing Admins' page where you can see the details of all other admins registered on the Class Portal.
- Here you can Edit the details of other admins or delete their account. (Note: You can not delete your account and preconfigured admin account.)
###Course Management
#####New Course
- Click on the New Course button and fill out the course details to create a new course.
#####View Courses
- Click on View Courses button to see all the course details available on the Class Portal.
- You can also edit a course(change the status of a course, etc), Enroll a student into a course, post grades for a course, add course material for a course, and delete a course.
#####Post Grades
- On clicking the Post Grades button, you'll be redirected to a form where you can select a particular student and post grade of that student for a particular course.
###Instructor Management
#####New Instructor
- Click on the New Instructor button and fill out the details like Name, Email, Password for the instructor account you wish to create.
#####View Instructors
- Click on the View Instructors button will take you to 'Listing Instructors' page.
- You can view instructor details here and also can delete an instructor profile.
###Student Management
#####New Student
- Click on the New Student button and fill out the details like Name, Email, Password for the student account you wish to create.
#####View Students
- Click on the View Students button will take you to 'Listing Students' page.
- You can view student details here and also can delete a student profile.
Once you log in to the class portal as an Instructor, you'll see the Instructor Homepage where all the instructor functionalities are provided.
The homepage displays list of courses you are teaching as an instructor.
#####Course Details
- Click on the Details button to see a particular course details.
#####Manage Enrollment/Grades
- Click on Enrollment/Grades button to see and manage list of students enrolled for a particular course.
#####Course Material
- Click on Materials button to view and add course material.
- You can communicate with Students via messages using New Message and Read Messages buttons.
- Once you log in to the class portal as a student, you'll see the list of active courses you are enrolled into.
- You can drop a course by clicking on the Destroy button.
#####Browse Courses
- You can view all the available course using Browse courses button which will redirect you to Listing Courses page.
- You can request for enrollment into a particular course by clicking on Enroll this course button.
- You can also search course by course title, description, Instructor name using the search bar.
#####Course History
- Course History will show you the list of courses you had taken earlier.
- You can communicate with Instructors via messages using New Message and Read Messages buttons.
#####Delete Functionalities
- Delete Student will delete the enrollemt entries.
- Delete Instructor will delete the teaches entries.
- Delete enrollment may lead to enrollments list page. User may have to go back to home page through Home link
##References https://www.railstutorial.org/book/