Releases: rafael-piovesan/go-rocket-ride
Releases · rafael-piovesan/go-rocket-ride
1.0.0 (2022-05-22)
- bun: add bun based datastore (1cb5c2d)
- cmd: add app main.go (be1dd35)
- config: add app config (69679e3)
- config: validating app cfg (9d0f978)
- entities: add app entities (77dc9f2)
- entity: add new errors (d4345d6)
- errors: move errors to entity pkg (70390b8)
- http: add http port (8dafed3)
- interfaces: add app interfaces (d750014)
- makefile: add makefile (bde73ae)
- middleware: add origin ip middleware (124e495)
- migrations: add db migrations (cbf10e2)
- mocks: add app mocks (a9ab14e)
- pkg: add helper packages (37edd25)
- pkg: add stripe mock integration (823d2fc)
- pkg: stripe-mock error mode (f9923c6)
- ride: add ride uc (176d455)
- sqlc: add generated files (3a16ce4)
- sqlc: add queries statements (77734ad)
- sqlc: add sqlc config (cb6d576)
- sqlc: add sqlc datastore (#2) (16899a2)
- stripe: add stripe integration (9beee35)
- stripemock: add init check featrure toggle (c7eea63)
- testfixtures: add db fixtures (2ffa93c)
- tests: add datastore integration tests (3211eb6)
- tests: add db integration tests (9092d81)
- tests: add main.go tests (c19c61e)
- tests: add ride uc unit tests (7f3c15c)
- tests: add server shutdown tests (a598bb3)
- tests: testing stripe calls (d910be2)
- tools: pkg to keep track of dev deps (22d7d15)
- usecase: read ik timeout from config (bc84740)
- user: add user datastore methods (a6faff6)
- user: set & get user info from ctx (66da7f6)
- workflows: add lint and tests workflows (#1) (e0f9552)
Bug Fixes
- entities: correct created_at field (6410c74)
- handler: fix typo (dc605dd)
- handler: init input to fix check (dbbdab7)
- handler: standardize error return (6e8ce2b)
- ride: using stripe customer id (1ca283d)
- server: improving logs (4afdffe)
- sqlstore: propagate panic (331b028)
- tests: turn off gock (9d214b4)
- usecase: add random stripe-id (6662793)
- usecase: correct ride ID on audti record (b9e2ac5)
- usecase: idem key vs request compare structs (6e2c57a)
- usecase: unlock idem key (42f896d)
- user: user info on ctx (b45e41d)