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stylewarning committed Sep 7, 2022
1 parent c3c142f commit 2bb9a97
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 75 deletions.
129 changes: 54 additions & 75 deletions src/compilers/approx.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,83 +155,62 @@
:test #'magicl:=
:documentation "This is a precomputed Hermitian transpose of +E-BASIS+.")

(defun ensure-positive-determinant (m)
(let ((d (magicl:det m)))
(when *check-math*
(unless (double~ 0.0d0 (imagpart d))
(warn "Complex determinant found for a ~
matrix expected to be (real) orthogonal: ~
det=~A" d)))
(if (double= -1d0 (realpart d))
(magicl:@ m (from-diag (list -1 1 1 1)))

(defconstant +diagonalizer-max-attempts+ 16
"Maximum number of attempts DIAGONALIZER-IN-E-BASIS should make to diagonalize the input matrix using a random perturbation.")

(define-condition diagonalizer-not-found (error)
((matrix :initarg :matrix :reader diagonalizer-not-found-matrix)
(attempts :initarg :attempts :reader diagonalizer-not-found-attempts))
(:report (lambda (c s)
(format s "Could not find diagonalizer for matrix ~%~A~%after ~D attempt~:P."
(diagonalizer-not-found-matrix c)
(diagonalizer-not-found-attempts c))))
(:documentation "The diagonalizer for the given matrix was not found after a number of attempts."))

;; this is a support routine for optimal-2q-compile (which explains the funny
;; prefactor multiplication it does).
;; This implementation is based on the function
;; _eig_complex_symmetric() in QuantumFlow's
(defun find-diagonalizer-in-e-basis (m num-attempts)
"For M in SU(4), compute an SO(4) column matrix of eigenvectors of E^* M E (E^* M E)^T. This function tries NUM-ATTEMPTS to randomly perturb the matrix in an equivalent form."
(check-type m magicl:matrix)
(let* ((u (magicl:@ +edag-basis+ m +e-basis+))
(gammag (magicl:@ u (magicl:transpose u))))
(loop :repeat num-attempts :do
(let* ((rand-coeff (random 1.0d0))
(matrix (magicl:map (lambda (z)
(+ (* rand-coeff (realpart z))
(* (- 1 rand-coeff) (imagpart z))))
(evecs (ensure-positive-determinant
(nth-value 1 (magicl:eig matrix)))))
(evals (magicl:diag
(magicl:@ (magicl:transpose evecs)
(v (magicl:@ evecs
(from-diag evals)
(magicl:transpose evecs))))
(when (and (double= 1.0d0 (magicl:det evecs))
(magicl:every #'double= gammag v))
(when *check-math*
(assert (magicl:every #'double~
(eye 4 :type 'double-float)
(magicl:@ (magicl:transpose evecs)
"The calculated eigenvectors were not found to be orthonormal. ~
EE^T =~%~A"
(magicl:@ (magicl:transpose evecs)
(return-from find-diagonalizer-in-e-basis evecs)))))
(error 'diagonalizer-not-found :matrix m :attempts num-attempts))
(defun real->complex (m)
"Convert a real matrix M to a complex one."
(let ((cm (magicl:zeros
(magicl:shape m)
:type `(complex ,(magicl:element-type m)))))
(magicl::map-to #'complex m cm)

(defun special-orthogonal-p (m)
"Does M appear to be a special orthogonal matrix?"
(and (double~ 1.0d0 (magicl:det m))
(eye 4 :type 'double-float)
(magicl:@ (magicl:transpose m) m))))

(defun orthogonal-decomposition-of-UU^T (u)
"Given a unitary U, find a decomposition
UU^T = O @ D @ O^T
for a diagonal matrix D and special orthogonal matrix O.
Return (VALUES O D).
Despite being special orthogonal, O will be a MAGICL:MATRIX/COMPLEX-*-FLOAT."
(multiple-value-bind (diag-re diag-im left right)
(magicl:qz (magicl:.realpart u) (magicl:.imagpart u))
(declare (ignore right))
(let ((diag (magicl:.complex diag-re diag-im)))
(when (minusp (magicl:det left))
(dotimes (row (magicl:nrows left))
(setf (magicl:tref left row 0)
(- (magicl:tref left row 0)))))
(let ((O (real->complex left))
(D (magicl:@ diag diag)))
(when *check-math*
(assert (magicl:every #'double~
(magicl:@ u (magicl:transpose u))
(magicl:@ O D (magicl:transpose O)))))
(values O D)))))

(defun diagonalizer-in-e-basis (m)
"For M in SU(4), compute an SO(4) column matrix of eigenvectors of E^* M E (E^* M E)^T.
Signals DIAGONALIZER-NOT-FOUND if the diagonalizer is not found.
Three self-explanatory restarts are offered: TRY-AGAIN, and GIVE-UP-COMPILATION."
(restart-case (find-diagonalizer-in-e-basis m +diagonalizer-max-attempts+)
(try-again ()
:report "Continue searching for the diagonlizer using random perturbations."
(diagonalizer-in-e-basis m))
(give-up-compilation ()
:report "Give up compilation."
"For M in SU(4), compute an SO(4) column matrix of eigenvectors of E^* M E (E^* M E)^T."
(multiple-value-bind (O D)
(magicl:@ +edag-basis+ m +e-basis+))
(declare (ignore D))
(when *check-math*
(assert (special-orthogonal-p O)
"The factorization didn't produce a special orthogonal ~
matrix, as it should have.~%~

(defun orthogonal-decomposition (m)
"Extracts from M a decomposition of E^* M E into A * D * B, where A and B are orthogonal and D is diagonal. Returns the results as the VALUES triple (VALUES A D B)."
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