Complete changelog
#10264 - elytron security: define role mapper (was: ldap security - role mapper)
#44047 - Demote Agroal's "JDBC resources leaked" warnings to DEBUG
#44540 - FORMAT_FAILURE when using Log.error(Object,Throwable)
#44565 - Ensure that all our handlers extend ExtHandler
#44773 - OpenAPI Extension (smallrye) produces wrong schema for Flow based return types
#45150 - OpenAPI Extension Misses Jackson Annotations on Methods that Return a Parameterized Type
#45167 - Long.parseLong Error with Redis Client Instrumentation
#45224 - PermissionChecker does not handle list of permission correctly
#45364 - Don't treat colon as a permission-to-action separator in @PermissionChecker
value attribute
#45419 - Fix typos in deploying-to-kubernetes.adoc
#45424 - Bump smallrye-open-api.version from 4.0.5 to 4.0.6
#45439 - OpenTelemetry: fix the Redis instrumenter in case of a tainted connection
#45467 - Add FAQ about thread dumps in native reference guide
#45471 - Update code to get Mandrel version from native executable
#45482 - Execute the MongoDB Connection Health Check on Startup
#45486 - Remove yq
installation step from GitHub Actions workflows
#45487 - Fix Quarkus platform BOM version info collection for analytics
#45509 - Parallelize bean scanning in SmallRyeFaultToleranceProcessor
#45512 - Add a cache for class proxies in BytecodeRecorderImpl
#45517 - Make scheduler timezone documentation consistent with javadoc
#45518 - Remove erroneous state tracking from client readers/writers
#45523 - Fix Mongo health checks
#45536 - Quarkus REST - Use ByteBufInputStream instead of copying bytes
#45564 - fix: possible NPE if data has not been set yet
#45576 - Revert "[oracle-jdbc] Remove unnecessary conditionals from @BuildSteps
in the Oracle JDBC extension"
#45583 - Adjust logging level for JDBC resource leak warnings
#45586 - Elytron security LDAP: Document and test mapping of LDAP groups to SecurityIdentity roles
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