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Chore: Update devDependencies (non-major)
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| datasource | package                      | from   | to     |
| ---------- | ---------------------------- | ------ | ------ |
| npm        | @commitlint/cli              | 13.2.0 | 17.4.4 |
| npm        | @commitlint/lint             | 13.2.0 | 17.4.4 |
| npm        | babel-plugin-module-resolver | 4.1.0  | 5.0.0  |
| npm        | danger                       | 10.8.0 | 11.2.3 |
| npm        | eslint                       | 7.32.0 | 8.35.0 |
| npm        | eslint-plugin-markdown       | 2.2.1  | 3.0.0  |
| npm        | eslint-plugin-mocha          | 9.0.0  | 10.1.0 |
| npm        | eslint-plugin-unicorn        | 36.0.0 | 45.0.2 |
| npm        | fs-extra                     | 10.0.0 | 11.1.0 |
| npm        | husky                        | 7.0.2  | 8.0.3  |
| npm        | mocha                        | 9.1.2  | 10.2.0 |
| npm        | semantic-release             | 19.0.5 | 20.1.0 |
| npm        | uuid                         | 8.3.2  | 9.0.0  |
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renovate[bot] authored Mar 1, 2023
1 parent 199c80b commit cedda47
Showing 2 changed files with 1,798 additions and 1,549 deletions.

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