These scripts enable easy configuration of Firefox profile directories.
The main update
script writes these files:
To make changes to user.js
and userChrome.css
just edit the files.
The compile
script compiles userContent.css
from the contents of the src
The format
script formats the source files.
Everyone's preferences are different, so the best way to use this repository is as a starter template that you customize to your needs.
The following terminal transcript shows
- how to install prerequisites (
npm install
) - how to mark a profile directory as managed (
./run bin/init
) - how to update the configuration of managed profiles (
./run bin/update
) - what the compiled
file looks like (cat userContent.css
Restart Firefox to pick up the new configuration.
$ npm install
added 410 packages from 259 contributors and audited 1612 packages in 3.249s
found 0 vulnerabilities
$ ./run bin/init
./run bin/init PROFILE_DIR
./run bin/init /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/6ey5rbxk.Email
./run bin/init /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/ea8cttuh.Restaurants
./run bin/init /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/si4c2ymx.Shop
./run bin/init /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/ttcviopc.default
1 pog@bootes:~/src
$ ./run bin/init /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/6ey5rbxk.Email
Touching /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/6ey5rbxk.Email/.Aing1poghahm2ji3NoevaiLuocie3hij
$ ./run bin/init /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/ttcviopc.default
Touching /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/ttcviopc.default/.Aing1poghahm2ji3NoevaiLuocie3hij
$ ./run bin/update
Writing /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/6ey5rbxk.Email/user.js
Writing /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/6ey5rbxk.Email/chrome/userChrome.css
Writing /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/6ey5rbxk.Email/chrome/userContent.css
Writing /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/ttcviopc.default/user.js
Writing /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/ttcviopc.default/chrome/userChrome.css
Writing /home/pog/.mozilla/firefox/ttcviopc.default/chrome/userContent.css
$ cat userContent.css
/* MAGIC:Aing1poghahm2ji3NoevaiLuocie3hij */
@-moz-document domain(""){.header{animation-play-state:paused;-webkit-animation-play-state:paused}}
@-moz-document domain(""){body,html{height:initial!important;overflow-y:initial!important}#wrapper,body{position:initial!important}}
@-moz-document domain(""){#openFeedbackContainer{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document domain(""){main+aside{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document domain(""){#toasts_mount_point,.c-toast{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document domain(""){.commentPopover{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document domain(""){.a-expander-collapsed-height{max-height:initial!important;height:initial!important}.a-expander-partial-collapse-header{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document domain(""){#spinnerContainer,.annotation,.ytp-ce-element,.ytp-chrome-top-buttons,ytd-popup-container{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document regexp("https?://subdomain\\..*"){#nps-survey-inline-dialog{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document url("about:privatebrowsing"){body{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document url(""){body{background-attachment:initial!important}}
@-moz-document url-prefix("about:reader"){.toolbar{display:none!important}}
@-moz-document url-prefix(""){.collapse{display:initial!important}}
It is easy to create a site-specific browser for Gnome for a profile to run as a separate application, including with a custom icon in the Alt+Tab switcher.
First create a desktop file:
$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/firefox-example.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=firefox -P Example --no-remote --name "firefox-example"
The option --name "firefox-example"
causes Gnome to look for the Icon
in the firefox-example.desktop
For Wayland, the option is --name "firefox-example"
For X, the option is --class "firefox-example"
Then put the custom icons in the right location:
$ fd example ~/.local/share/icons
Log out and log back in to pick up the new icons, or run
touch ~/.local/share/icons/ && sudo gtk-update-icon-cache
Here is an example of how to make the icons using ImageMagick:
for i in 128x128 16x16 256x256 32x32 512x512; do convert -resize $i original.png example-$i.png; done
for i in 128x128 16x16 256x256 32x32 512x512; do cp example-$i.png ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/$i/apps/example.png; done
The Apple App Store on the web is a good source of icons.
Custom Cmd+Tab switcher icons appear not to be possible on the Mac.
This post describes how to create a site-specific browser for a Firefox profile for the Mac:
It is possible to set a custom icon for use in the dock, but once launched it shows up in the Cmd+Tab switcher with the normal Firefox icon.