Releases: pods-finance/sdk
Releases · pods-finance/sdk
Simplify code and support new chains
Support new networks and bump outdated packages
- chore: update cross-fetch ee8b4f4
- Merge pull request #4 from pods-finance/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/shelljs-0.8.5 08a14c4
- build(deps): bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 ea9afa9
- feat: refine new networks 8e6b025
- fix: rm dev versions of subgraph for new chains c219bf5
- feat: add 4 new chains and cleanup e59b8ce
SDK v1.3: Extra data, fees and optimizations
If you are using old versions of this SDK, subgraph queries will break because of the addition of Fee and FeePool entities in our atomic gql
- Fee calculations in
- Fee structure and Fee pool structure in subgraph queries
- New add liquidity helper methods to cover extra cases (add with underlying+strike [call], options+strike, strike only [put])
- Some parser improvements on aggregate multicalls