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Pods Protocol v1.1.0

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@Robsonsjre Robsonsjre released this 25 May 19:10
· 38 commits to master since this release
  • [Feature] OracleIV/AdjustedIV:
    The IV used to calculate the Black Scholes price is now an average between an external oracle (initially controlled by us) and the pools’ IV (#252)
  • [Feature] Dynamic fees:
    When someone tries to buy/sell more than 10% of the pool, it will start pay exponential fees for this trade(#250)

Those two features above are responsible for protecting the LPs

  • [Feature] Individual pool pause: Now it's possible to pause a certain pool instead of the whole system with the admin keys (#241)
  • [Improve] OptionAMMPool reduced: from 24kb to 20kb, using a builder strategy on our Feepool contract. (#248)