Implementation of the caseOLAP pipeline for mapping relationships between oxidative stress and drugs.
- neo4j_functions/: Folder containing functions/classes related to use of neo4j
- lib/: Folder containing static files like drug lists and oxidative stress markers
- Explore_Drug_chemical_OxStress.ipynb: Python notebook to look at reactome pathways related to a curated list of drugs and chemicals related to oxidative stress. Incorporates caseOLAP scores.
- Create_Drug_Cooccurance_Graph.ipynb: Creates a neo4J graph relating drug/chemical/pubmid occurances
- Export_Subgraph.ipynb: Queries Reactome for relations within 2 edges of drugs in a curated list. Saves a graphml format file.
- Import_Subgraph.ipynb: Imports the graphml fromat file in to a new neo4j graph database